
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Flower Flaunt ... On This First Friday of Spring.

Springtime here in Oz can mean the beginning of the Wattle Season ... but that's mostly in the southern states.  There are no Acacia or Wattle blooms to be seen in the bushland around my place at this time of year.  Here in my north-eastern corner of Oz, at the beginning of Spring, it's time for some Eucalypt blooms. 

There have been blooms on the two Corymbia torellianas or Cadaghi Gums for a few weeks now, and they will continue to flower for several more weeks yet. 

The Eucalyptus platyphyllas or Poplar Gums, out in the bush and on my property, have now joined the wonderful Eucalypt display as well.  The small clusters of white flowers are quite lovely.

I planted some Cosmos sulphureus in a patch beside our long driveway, and they have re-seeded this year.  Some of the tiny little seedlings have already started blooming.  They seem very keen to remind me just how cheery their flowers are!!!

The dwarf variegated Bougainvillea that grows next to the pergola has thrown out its first coloured bracts for the year.  It will now bloom for many months after its wintertime snooze.

There's some lovely colour at the far end of the courtyard, next to the pergola. 

I couldn't do without all my container plants out on the courtyard.  Those lovely flowers really brighten my day.

I'm still waiting patiently for my Lilies to begin their display.  Waiting ... waiting ... !!!!

Just a little diversion from blooms for the moment ... a pair of Sunbirds have been building their magnificent home out under the pergola in the courtyard.  I've spent many an hour or so watching them build their long spindle-shaped nest. 

It looks like they've used bits of bark, paper, feathers, grasses, leaves and spiders' webs.  Usually these Sunbird nests have a little roof structure that sits over the entrance, but this particular nest doesn't have one yet.  Maybe that will come soon.

To finish off today, I'm just going to add a little collage of the usuals that are seen blooming out on my courtyard at this time of year.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

and Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

I'm also joining Tina for Weekend Flowers


  1. Bernie, i love most the whiteness of that eucalyptus. That is not the gum we have here, which my Australian friend call little Australia patch!

    1. Kalantikan, the Poplar Gums really stand out in the bushland around here because of their stark white trunks and branches. When the sun dips in the evening and the night draws in, they really catch the eye.

  2. Sunbirds nesting will be a treat for sure. Did I spy an Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi in 5th pic in pot? Those colour combinations in your pics are a feast. LT

    1. LT I'm not sure what Kalanchoe it is. You're possibly correct with your I.D. It's a plant I grew from a cutting I took from our school garden. No-one knows what the name of the succulent is, so I'll have to goggle the name now and see if it matches.

    2. Looks like it from here lol, works great in the garden, nice leaf colours., compacts a little more with some morning sun.

  3. Such a lovely display of colourful flowers! The sunbirds are great architects.

    1. Those Sunbirds sure do make a fantastic looking home. Thanks Lotusleaf.

  4. Good morning, looks like the waiting will soon be over your buds are swelling nicely on your Lilies. I love the courtyard pots shot.
    What a treat to see the sunbirds build their nest I would be watching all day.
    The little Cosmos sulphureus is determined no to be missed it shines out at you from its bed of brow leaves great photo.
    Have a good weekend. We have an early start tomorrow up at 4.30 am off to pick up Layla them up to Cambridgeshire to watch an air show. Weather man is saying clear sunny day fingers crossed Steve is planning to be in time for the gates opening at's going to be a long day!

    1. Sueb, those Lily buds are starting to appear on all the plants, so it shouldn't be too long now. It sounds like you've got a great weekend ahead of you. Let's hope the sun shines all day for you tomorrow.

  5. Dear Bernie.
    Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos especially of the fantastic Gum Trees.
    I have never yet come across a variegated Bougainvillea, it´s absolutely beautiful.
    It must be exhiting and lovely, having a pair of Sunbirds nesting under your Pergola.
    Great builders, amazing nest.
    A nice weekend to you.
    Best regards, Iris.

    1. Thanks Iris. The Gums are really magnificent trees and they're everywhere in the landscape around here. I'm not a big fan of Bougainvillea, as they can become absolute monsters here in the tropics, but the dwarf form is manageable.

  6. The first Friday of Spring for you and the first Friday of Autumn for me.........
    Lovely photos.

    1. Ingmarie, this change of season is one that does not bring a lot of joy to my heart. Summer in now just around the corner, and I'd much prefer our winter to be just around the corner.

  7. Love all these glimpses of Spring colours in the garden! But I think my favourite photo must be the presentation of the dwarf bougainvillea! Magical!

    1. Thank you Gemma. The new bracts are starting to break out all over the dwarf Bougainvillea now.

  8. Happy Spring to you, autumn will be starting soon for us here in the states, a little later for us way down here in s.e. FL, but starting at any rate. Love your photos as always and those sweet little birds are a real treat. Their nest is really a work of art.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Flowerlady, the Sunbirds are such dear things. They mate for life and both play a part in building the nest. I'm looking forward to keeping watch over it.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Modern Mom. Those orange blossoms were lovely.

  10. Happy Spring to you! Bernie your variegated Bougainvillea is so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanking you Lona. Well the weekend is now over for us, and it was indeed a wonderful break. Beautiful weather and time to potter.

  11. What a treat to see Spring come to your garden as Autumn comes to ours, and compare plants. Lilies, we both grow lilies. They are in that time here where they have a secret life underground.

    1. I'm new to the growing of Lilies, Nell Jean, but I'm a big fan now. I'm so looking forward to this year's show.

  12. What a treat to see Spring come to your garden as Autumn comes to ours, and compare plants. Lilies, we both grow lilies. They are in that time here where they have a secret life underground,

  13. such a gorgeous yard you have....It's so neat to see blooms and plants that grow in other areas of the world, and that it's spring there, and nearly autumn here....ain't life grand!

    1. Lovely to see you visiting Joanne, and thanks for your kind comment.

  14. Like always....your pictures are exciting. Today it was your Sunbirds.....they look a lot like our hummingbirds. Thank you for posting. We don't have these beautiful birds here.

    1. Rohrerbot, there are some similarities between the Sunbirds and Hummingbirds. They are both beautiful little birds.

  15. The sunbird nest is awesome. I've never seen a nest like that! Have a happy spring and summer as I head into fall and winter.

    1. Bonnie, the Sunbird nest is a very distinctive creation. It does take a little while to build.

  16. Dear Bernie, I love your flower pictures.
    But your pictures showing the details of the Sunbird nest construction I love most.
    Thank you,

    1. I'm only too glad to share photos of the Sunbirds and their nest, Gisela. I always marvel at the amount of work that goes into building them.

  17. Beautiful blooms and such an unusual bird's nest. It looks more like a cocoon.


    1. Eileen, the nest certainly does look like an enormous cocoon, doesn't it? The pair of Sunbirds hadn't quite finished the little patio roof that extends over the entrance when I took this shot. I'll have to add another photo next post.

  18. You have a lot of great spring blooms! I'm kinda wishin' we were heading into spring right now instead of autumn, which, of course, is followed by winter. The sunbirds' nest is so interesting. Sounds like a lot of fun getting to watch the show! You guys have the coolest birds in Australia.

    1. Floridagirl, I'm not all that keen about Spring arriving. It means our terrible Summer is not far away. I'll enjoy the Spring as much as I can though. The summertime temps and humidity levels have already started, which makes gardening less enjoyable than it was just a couple of weeks ago.

  19. What a delight to be able to see the Sunbirds raise their young so close by. And your container garden is lovely.

    1. Mary, I'm hoping I do get to see the baby birds. The last nest this pair of Sunbirds created simply disappeared literally overnight. I'm not sure what happened to it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this nest will hang around long enough for some eggs to be laid, and some little ones to grow up.

  20. I adore all your flowers blooming already...and look at that very cool bird's nest...I have never seen quite an unusual nest like this...a fascinating visit to your garden!

    1. Donna, it's quite a piece of construction isn't it? The Sunbirds definitely create one of the more unusual looking nests.

  21. Happy Spring to you Bernie and thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with Today's Flowers.

    1. Thanks Denise, I'm only too happy to join in your great meme.

  22. Wonderful seeing all these beautiful spring flowers and also the birds.

  23. Your garden look lovely Bernie. What a neat nest, it must be enjoyable watching them.

    1. Jen, it's definitely a whole lot of fun watching the Sunbirds. They are very quick little creatures and hard to capture with good shots.

  24. What a treat to watch those sunbirds! I had a few moments of confusion that your latest post, dated in September, was about the first flowers of spring - then I recalled your location - lol! I so admire the way you arranged plants vertically in - well, that one photo that shows plants arranged vertically!

    1. Lol, yes Country Mouse, downunder it's Spring time. It's lovely to hear you enjoyed the collage of blooms.

  25. Bernie, I have been awol for most of the summer. Hope your rebuilding of the garden is going well. I look forward to catching up with you and your garden.

    1. Tufa Girl, I thought you had been rather quiet of late. I hope you enjoyed your summer. As for the rebuilding, yes things are coming along very well now, thanks for asking. The place is now looking fairly decent and I would no longer be embarrassed to have people dropping by.

  26. Hi Bernie...
    We get several type of Euc to use in the shop. Fresh mostly and some have pods on them which I expect may have been blooms. Does the air smell of the oil when its in bloom? Would love to have your sunbirds in my garden. A very interesting nest. Lovely!

    1. Jean, yes there is definitely a perfume in the air when the Eucalypts are in bloom. The blooms smell a bit like honey. It's a very sweet scent.

  27. Lots of Colour in your garden. Like most of the readers, I'm infatuated with such an unusual bird's nest.

  28. You have such a dreamy garden. It must be so wonderful being surrounded with so much colour on a daily basis. I think I'd be in heaven!!


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