
Friday, August 31, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This Last Day of Winter

Today is officially the last day of our Winter here in Oz, and up here in the northern tropics the conditions have turned decidedly summery already.  The coming Spring months are really only a version of early Summer here in the north, with the temps. and the humidity heading up, up and up.

Now onto what's blooming ...

The Osteospermums, syn. Dimorphotheca, have started their show and will continue on now well into the Summer.  They always cheer me up.

The 'same-oles' are still on show around the courtyard garden.

Salvia splendens hybrid 'Dusky Hues'

Streptocarpus caulescens

Salvia glechomifolia

more of the Salvia 'Dusky Hues'

double white Impatiens walleriana

Impatiens hawkeri 'Celebrette'

Angelonia angustifolia 'Serena series'

Spathoglottis plicata

Neomarica longifolia

Out in the shadehouse garden the Begonias continue to bloom.

Cane Begonia

Begonia 'Tiger Paws'

Out in the courtyard I've been surprised to find blooms on the Schlumbergeras for a second time this year.  But I'm not complaining.

pale apricot Schlumbergera

Elsewhere around my place ...

I'm starting to see more blooms on the recovering Hibiscus schizopetalus.

The very last of the Tabebuia impetiginosa flowers are still hanging in there.

More of the Polygala flowers are appearing on my young shrub.

The Malvaviscus arboreus is still showing quite a few of its unusual flowers.

The Bougainvillea has blooms at last after its winter break.

The Dianthera nodosa has begun another blooming cycle.

I'm also going to share some of the Roses I picked out of the rose garden at my school.  I've been the caretaker of the Roses now for two years and, having never grown Roses ever before, I really struggled with the job at first.  This year however, I seem to be doing a better job and the display has been terrific.

Every now and then I cut a few and pop them in vases to sit on the desks of our wonderful office staff.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

I'm also joining Nix for Floral Friday Fotos

and Tina for Weekend Flowers


  1. hi Bernie, still a lot of blooms eh! I love your salvias they ar so big unlike ours. I have been looking for white impatiens, wonder why nobody seems to have it here. And that Malvaviscus, it has been our hedge in our old house when we were kids, now been planning to plant it again as a souvenir but haven't done yet in so many years of thinking.

    1. Kalantikan, I'm becoming a bit of a Salvia fan. I've got a few varieties now and they are all simply brilliant. The double white Impatiens is not all that easy to find here either, but it does turn up every couple of years in the nurseries. The Malvaviscus is considered a very old-fashioned plant here now. It's not really planted in newer gardens. You have to visit older well-established gardens to find it these days.


  2. Outstanding Osteospermums, Splendid Salvia splendens, Impeccable Impatiens,;) Amazing Angelonia angustifolia, Superb Spathoglottis plicata, Notably Neomaric alongifolia, Beautiful Begonia's, Sensational Schlumbergera,
    Heavenly Hibiscus schizopetalus, Tantalising Tabebuia impetiginosa, Perfect Polygala,
    Marvellous Malvaviscus arboreus, Breathtaking Bougainvillea, Delightful Dianthera nodosa.
    Regal Roses. The prettiest flower in the garden that’s easy our Bush Bernie!

    1. Aaww, you're a sweetheart. You've got me turning bright red! In spite of the blooms that are around me at the moment, I'm still hanging out for my Lilies to burst into bloom. Hopefully it will be soon.

  3. Hallo Bernie,

    da blüht ja so einiges bei euch. Bei uns will es Herbst werden, aber Blumen gibt es noch überall.
    Deine Kapmargeriten mag ich sehr.

    LG Mathilda ♥

    1. Mathilda, African Daisies are a definite favourite of mine. I do struggle every year trying to get them through our wet season though. I have never had any luck with that, and I have to resort to getting new seedlings every year.

  4. Bernie I would love to have 'last winter days' like yours in my garden:)
    Beautiful pictures and flowers.
    -Cheers Gisela.

    1. Gisela, the winter was really terrific this year. I'm sad to see it gone. From now on, things just get hotter and muggier.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Modern Mom. Those weeds are very pretty indeed.

  6. I am taking notes of all of your beautiful blooms. With our heat this summer I am thinking we will be growing similar plants in the future. I have tried the osteospermums previously and I did not have much luck with them. However, I will be revising them as they are plentiful in our nurseries.

    The roses look beautiful, they take a little care but are worth it. They are usually the last plant blooming in my garden.


  7. Wow Bernie ~ more beautiful blooms from you. A great way to start the day. Your gardens are always inspiring.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  8. Your tiger paws begonia is lovely!

  9. You always have something beautiful blooming, color year round. Do you have a winter at all?

  10. Bernieh,

    Happy Friday. Your garden is lovely on your last day of Winter. Being in the tropics you don't miss out on things blooming like we do. Love the color of your Osteospermum and your dusky salvias. I love bougainvillea, and miss not having it here in the Northwest. However I did buy a peach colored one that has survived in a pot for about 7-8 years now which comes inside in winter. It loses all its leaves the moment I move it either way then sprouts shoots and gives me bloom once in summer and once inside in winter. Hope your weekend is great.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  11. I love the simple style of the first flower. You are so beautiful in the expression, you brought wonderfully expressed. I thank you for letting me see this. Love, Louise-Lotte

  12. Bernie your garden is always beautiful no matter what time of year. I would say you had done an outstanding job on the roses from looking at their pretty blooms. Thanks for telling me what the bird sounds were. Everything is so different there especially the birds and animals.

  13. Terrific work here.... just great!!

  14. I want your winter many blooms that only flower here in summer....I had not seen or heard of Dianthera looks like lobelia here...amazing garden flaunt

  15. As your winter ends.....ours begins....I can't wait. It's been too hot here:) Beautiful flowers. Enjoy them while they are blooming. And enjoy the weekend!

  16. It's been a beaut winter, Bernie, and your garden's looking lovely. I'm hoping that we all get a mild and uneventful summer with lots of wildlife and plant-y things happening.

  17. Wow, that's a ton of color for the last day of winter! Makes me long for the bloom of my Tabebuias....but the last day of winter is a long way from PITV yet. I almost bought a Hibiscus schizopetalus the other day at the was soooo tempting. Awesome blooms!

  18. Beautiful blooms as usual, your winter has worked magic with all your flowers.

    We should be seeing fall soon, but temps continue to be quite high and we are getting muggy weather from both east and west right now.

  19. Your garden is such a treat to visit Bernie, at any time of year! Loved your Osteospermums, they don't like my soil so haven't had much luck with them - or perhaps they didn't like the winter, they didn't come back the next year anyway...and your 'Tiger Paws' is beautiful too. You must be doing the right thing for the roses, they look very nice and healthy.

  20. Amazing flowers! I always enjoy "visiting" your garden.

  21. greats shots bernie! Love the colors of roses


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