Now, the Dragon Wing Begonias flower pretty much all-year round ...
... as do the Begonia semperflorens or Bedding Begonia.
But around this time of year I get to see flower spikes again on my
Begonia 'Tiger Paws'
and on the Cane Begonias, also known as Tree Begonias.
I'm also starting to see the colourful bract on my Vriesea Bromeliad ...
... and the flower spike on my Aechmea gamosepala or Matchstick Bromeliad.
The first stark white flowers of my still stunted / recovering Bauhinia variegata 'Alba' have appeared.
It's a joy to see the blooming cycle return to normal on this poor tree. It's still got a bit of growing to do to catch up to what it was like in its glory days, but it's looking quite healthy and happy.
While I'm on the topic of still-recovering trees on my property ... it's perhaps not all that surprising that it's the old right side of the Tabebuia impetiginosa that's been flowering this Winter. The left side of the tree was significantly damaged by cyclonic winds and falling branches from our neighbour's trees during Yasi last year. Almost every limb on that side of the tree had to chopped back to the trunk. There's significant re-growth on that side now, but not one single bloom yet.
The right side though has carried on as usual though and has been showing off the beautiful pink yellow-throated flowers.
Last Friday I showed off my favourite big, blousy, frilly, double Petunias, so I thought I should show the lovely singles that are blooming at the moment this week.
I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.