Friday, May 25, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On This Strange Windy Raindy Day.

We had a very strange day of weather today.  There were gale force winds and rain all day.  My suburb lost power for pretty much the entire day, as the almost cyclonic winds apparently caused some damage to the power lines on the flats.  There wasn't much to do all day without power, and of course the rain prevented me from getting out into the garden.

The 65mm of rain that fell here today means it's been the wettest May day in almost 25 years.  Rain in May is quite unusual, and certainly the amount we saw today is rather uncharacteristic at this stage of our dry season!

On top of all that, it was a rather chilly day for us.  The mercury never got over 20 deg C today (68 F) and the prediction for tonight is 13 C (55 F).  It's the first taste of Winter!  ... Yes, these are Winter temps for us!!!  I had to break out a jumper today!  Yesterday it was 30 deg C (86 F), so the drastic drop was very noticeable.

I did manage to grab a few shots of blooms today, in between showers of rain.

Looking out from the back verandah onto the courtyard garden, there was some colour to be seen.

Schlumbergera or Zygocactus.

Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' and Azalea.

Impatiens hawkeri 'Celebrette', Colours, Salvia 'Victoria White', Torenia 'Violet Magic', Gomphrena globosa 'Buddy Purple' and Angelonia angustifolia 'Serena White'.


Pentas lanceolata

The first white bracts and tiny flowers have appeared on the winter blooming Euphorbia leucocephala or Snow Flake Bush.

The little pot of Pansies had to be rescued from the rain and brought in to the house today, which was a rather nice change.

Wandering out along the front verandah, I could see some colour in the tiered garden beds.

The Duranta repens shrub is dripping with its orange berries, but it's the Salvia madrensis and Scutellaria suffrutescens that stand out in the dreary conditions.

In the front garden bed the Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' is still covered in pink bracts and tiny yellow flowers.

Out in the shadehouse the Dragon Wing Begonias are in full bloom.

Eventually, I just had to venture out under the umbrella once the wind had died down.  I found some lovely blooms on my newly planted dwarf Hibiscus.  The flowers don't open fully on this little shrub, but they still look quite lovely.

I'm joining Tootsie for Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Modern Mom. They certainly cheered me up on this dreary day.

  2. Your rain splashed garden looks so lovely and lush! I love that Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose', so pretty! We have lots of common plants in the garden. 'Mona Lavender' is my favorite plant in the partial shade area, always blooming and requires almost no extra attention except the water. I used to put it in the container, which requireed more watering. This year I put it in the ground, and so much easier.

    1. Ami, I've had the 'Mona Lavender' in pots for ages, but now I'm thinking of planting some in the ground in one spot down the driveway. I'm just hoping the wallabies don't munch on it!

  3. I like the coleuses, snow flake bush, Salvia madrensis, Scutellaria suffrutescens and pink mussaenda from these photos. Other than outstanding plants, you have an amazing courtyard garden (the first pic)! Have the most wonderful weekend.

    1. The rain is continuing here right now, Stephanie. It's been a rather lovely surprise as we don't often see rain at this time of the year. The courtyard garden plants are really enjoying the extra drink of rain water. It's amazing how they seem to take on an extra special look when the rain falls.

  4. wonderful weekend flowers! thanks for sharing with us :)

    1. Always great fun joining in your meme Tina.

  5. So many wonderful blooms! I just love your pansy faces ... one of my favorite dainty flowers. You have quite a nice arrangement of pots too. I very much enjoyed my garden tour.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting Donna. I always have to have a container of Pansies. They really are such a cheerful sight aren't they?

  6. Your garden is such a wonderland of beauty! Such a lovely collection of photos! Our day in the far south of Mornington Peninsula was wet and chilly and windy too!

    1. Gemma, the windy and chilly conditions continue here too, although I suspect it might be just a tad chillier down there, lol! Thanks for your lovely comment.

  7. it still blows me away that my summer is just getting started...and yours is over! your garden is gorgeous none the less my sweet friend!
    I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I always feel so privelaged to know that inspiration is just a click away when need a bit of a boost for my spirits! It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...landscaping and ideas that all the participants share, and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I have shared your post today with my facebook page for Tootsie Time. I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

    1. Glenda, I'm very happy to see the end of our summers, so I'm pleased as punch that the next one is still quite a way off yet. I know you're looking forward to the summer ahead of you though, and I can't wait to see your flowers blooming. It always a treat joining in your meme as there are so many fabulous gardens to see and enjoy.

  8. Wonderful shots Bernie!! There is so much beauty in your garden. Thanks for the tour!

  9. Bernieh,

    Beautiful blooms, and so fresh looking after the rain. We had a thunderstorm last night which is unusual for us. A little exciting. Funny that my Christmas cactuses are also blooming given our seasons are reversd. But then they do what they want. Enjoy your weekend rain or shine.

    1. Yael, the unusual rainy weather has continued throughout the weekend so it's been a real treat for the garden. As for the Cactus, that's why we don't call them Christmas Cactus here. They bloom during our winter, but of course that doesn't coincide with our Christmas at all. Hence the common name Zygocactus.

  10. Your garden really thrives with all the rain you seem to get. It is looking very beautiful.

    1. Hi Donna. The unexpected rain has been a real bonus and the garden is certainly loving it! We don't get cold rain here much, so it's something different. When the rains come they are usually quite warm rains. It's not much fun wandering around right now when the raindrops are a little chilly!

  11. Your garden really thrives with all the rain you seem to get. It is looking very beautiful.

  12. All beautiful photos but the pansy photo is stunningly gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Stephanie. My old camera can do a pretty good job, but it's on its last legs now. It's starting to play up a little and it takes me longer to get good shots. Still, I get lovely surprises when they work out.

  13. Have you noticed that flowers (and plants) look different after a rain then after hand watering or watering from a sprinkler. Your photos and flowers, as always, are beautiful.

  14. So many beautiful flowers.. Great shots!

    Visiting for Flowers on Saturday- hope you can stop by:)


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