
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordless Wildlife Wednesday ... I Know They're Around Here Somewhere!!

(Before viewing the video clip, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and stop the playlist playing).

Title:  I Know You're Out There ... I Can Hear You!

I'm joining Wordless Wednesday


  1. Did they tell you the joke too? The one they are laughing about.

  2. That was wonderful, Bernie! I have been thinking of you and your garden. My borewell has run dry, and the municipal water is restricted. I have to think of different kinds of plants which consume less water.I went through your old posts and admired how beautiful your garden is !

  3. Hi Bernie,

    I love that new header of yours, shows everything that is wonderful about your part of the world.


  4. Hi that a young kooka? He looks a tad lost. I do love those birds and their calls. Just trying to figure out all the strange sounds was so much fun when I was there. I hope you have a wonderful Easter!


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