
Friday, April 6, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... Our Mid-Autumn Month Has Begun.

There's no stunning Autumn colours or noticeable change of seasons here though, despite this being the beginning of mid-Autumn for us.  There are still quite a few blooms around the place though, even after the punishing 'wet' season, which has just finished.

In the Shadehouse Garden, there are the beautiful perfumed blooms of the white Ginger, Hedychium coronarium ...

 ... along with the blooming cones of another Ginger,   Costus productus,

... and the Ginger known as Globba winitii.

There was a surprise bloomer out in the tiered garden beds in front of the shadehouse.  Completely out-of-season, the Hemerocallis 'Picotee Bubbles' has suddenly bloomed.  I'm not sure why this is so.  It's never happened before.  Imagine my surprise when I spotted this yesterday!

In the same garden bed the last of the Lagerstroemia indica flowers are on show ...

... and there are still flowerheads appearing on the Callistemon 'Pink Champagne'.

Elsewhere on the property ...

I've been taken aback by the length of the flowering period for this patch of Cosmos sulphureus.  They just keep on keeping on.

The Ixora 'Golden Ball', out in the driveway rock garden, is finally blooming and I just love the creamy yellow.

Mussaenda philippica 'Bangkok Rose' is coming to the end of another blooming cycle.

The various Pentas lanceolatas continue on, as they are all-year round bloomers.

Scutellaria suffretescens blooms in cycles all year round too.  It's coming into another full bloom period.

The Golden Rain Tree has both yellow flowers and the peachy coloured bracts on it at the moment ... blooming and seeding all at the same time.

Out under the pergola next to the Courtyard Garden, I've spotted a couple of Jasminum officinale flowers.  It's fantastic to see the climber coming back after its ordeal last year.

There's still have one remaining Marigold planted in late Autumn last year still growing and flowering.  It just has a whole life of its own.  I'm keeping the seeds of this one!

The delicate sweet perfume of the Fiddlewood blooms stills wafts around the courtyard ...

... and our native Sterculia quadrifida or Peanut Tree growing the middle of the courtyard is now flowering and dropping its leaves.

Out in the surrounding bushland the magnificent Melaleucas are blooming, and these stands on the hillside across from our place are quite noticeable with their brilliant creamy white flowers.

I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.

I'm also joining  Weekend Flowers


  1. Looking at your beautiful tropical garden and compare it to my spring garden; I believe we both enjoy what nature has to offer.
    Happy Easter,
    "Silently a flower blooms,
    In silence it falls away;
    Yet here now, at this moment, at this place,
    The world of the flower, the whole of
    the world is blooming.
    This is the talk of the flower, the truth of the blossom:
    The glory of eternal life is fully shining here."
    - Zenkei Shibayama

    1. Thanks Guild-rez for stopping by. I'm looking forward to the coming months now. That's the best time for gardening in my part of the world.

  2. It is always a delight to visit you and your gardens. You have such a wonderful variety.

    Have a great weekend and a lovely Easter.


    1. Flowerlady, I wish you and your darling husband a very Happy Easter too. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Wow I love your gingers. Gorgeous. You have so many beautiful flowers.

    1. Thanks Sweetbay. I'm hoping to add to my little Ginger collection over the coming year. I'm starting to really appreciate their beauty now.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Modern Mom. Your Tulips were fantastic.

  5. You have so much going on in your gardens... I am imagining sitting under the pergola smelling the jasmine :) I love your surprise-out-of-season bloom!! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Libby, there's just a faint whiff of the Jasmine at the moment. I can't wait until there's a whole lot more flowers! Love that perfume.

  6. Lots of beautiful blooms in your garden. Love your marigold, I still have lots of them in my garden. Have a great weekend.

    1. Great to see you, Suffia. I was very surprised just how long that Marigold has lasted. They usually don't make it through our wet season.

  7. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous flowers! Some I've never seen before! Your music is also nice and relaxing! Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks so much for popping by, CraveCute. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Enjoy your Easter.

  8. Your autumn is lovely, what with all the blooms. I love the ginger plants, so beautiful and colorful. Tropical plants have so many aspects too them--the exquisite blooms and extraordinary foliage.

    1. Thanks Sage Butterfly. I'm really starting to appreciate the Gingers now. I'm hoping to add a few more to the Shadehouse Garden this year.

  9. You have so many lovely blooms in today,s posting that I do not know where to start Bernie. LOL! Your bed of Cosmos are so pretty. They are blooming machines ans will bloom here until the frosts take them. What a wonderful surprise that your beautiful lily is giving you some more blooms. I know you will enjoy them. Have a Blessed Easter weekend.

    1. Yes, Lona, the Daylily bloom was a fantastic surprise! Have a great weekend yourself. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  10. Another wonderful post of your lovely garden and its stunning flowers, Bernie. Have a Happy Easter!

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

    1. Appreciate your visit and lovely comment, thanks Nix.

  11. I haven't visited your garden for a while Bernie, it's lovely to see your autumn, so different to ours! Loved your Globba winitii, but they are all beautiful!

    1. Thanks Helene. Yes, our Autumn is vastly different to yours. I am looking forward to the next six months or so though. That's the time I enjoy the most out in my garden.

  12. Beautiful garden! Thanks for sharing:) Best wishes!

  13. Beautiful blooms in your garden, enjoy the weekend

  14. You're going to make me brush up on my latin, lol. Lovely flowers and I really like the common names of the trees. Golden Rain Tree sounds magical.

  15. Beautiful plants. This planet of ours is really amazing - Autumn down under, Spring here where I live.

  16. thanks for sharing your beautiful garden with us :)

  17. I like your first picture a lot.
    It gives that mysterious & a wet look with those begonia and the ginger & the elephant ear.
    And above all - a peek from the window to show another world out there.
    Truly simple & stunning.


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