
Monday, February 6, 2012

Mosaic Monday ... It's Our End-of-Summer Month.

Only a few more official Summer sunrises to go now.  The end of Summer is drawing near ... February is our last Summer month ... but the hot, sticky and muggy conditions will carry on until at least mid-March.  It's not much fun getting out into the garden right now and I'm avoiding it as much as possible.

I can wander around in the early morning and in the evening when the sun goes down though, and when I do go out, there are some lovely flowers to see.  Here's just a few of the end-of-Summer blooms in my garden at present.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. What a beautiful sunrise. Fingers crossed at the end of this year I will see a wonderful sunrise in OZ myself! Lovely flowers to.

    1. I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that you make it out!

  2. Gorgeous Bernie, I have found my first spring flower yesterday. We are all changing seasons. Take care and have a wonderful week:)

    1. Ooo, the first signs of Spring. I bet you're very pleased!

  3. So beauiful Bernie always a real pleasure to visit.

    1. Thanks Kath. So glad you dropped by to enjoy some of the late summer blooms here.

  4. Hi Bernie. Your collage is so pretty. I adore your hibiscus bloom. It is hard to believe that your summer is ending so soon.

    1. Lona, I'm not all that heart-broken that the summer is almost over. Of course the summer conditions continue for a while longer, but at least the end is now in sight!

  5. Beautiful summer photos. I guess you did not get all that rain. V

    1. G'day Val. We've had rain, but not weeks and weeks of it, and no real monsoonal downpours that last for days either. So far the rain has been quite pleasant to put up with. Not at all like last year.

  6. I cant believe summer is nearly 'over' here in queensland...down here on the tablelands, we have only had the has been cool no real summer weather much at all.

  7. Gorgeous sunrise :-) I found my first camellia flower today, in a camellia completely covered in snow. How strange it is that we have completely opposite seasons. Head over to my blog and you can see what my garden looked like this morning :-)
    Take care!

    1. Go little Camellia! Fantastic to hear that some blooms are breaking through despite the recent snowfall. I'll head on over to check out your winter wonderland photos now.

  8. Had to wait until after dinner, to tidy the back garden. Evening shade, becoming I give up, can't SEE any more. Waiting patiently for March, and hope we don't get hit with a freaky autumn heat wave!

    1. I'm waiting patiently for mid-March here. Then the heat and humidity start to take a break and I can get out into the garden a little more. Sounds like you and I are out there in the evening light these days. Luckily our days are quite long at the moment.

  9. Oh I really enjoyed this post - I have been going over my mile long list of why I haven't got out in the garden yet after my holiday ended. The end is in sight and that is a very good reason to be planning....

    1. I'm with you there Africanaussie. It's definitely time for planning ... too hot and muggy to actually get out into the garden much these days.

  10. I hope the heat and humidity break for you soon. That's like our summer weather. I go into hibernation, and am always amazed at the blooms that keep going in the heat. Your blooms are beautiful.

    1. These conditions will continue for some time yet, Holley. I'm looking forward to the end of March when things become a little more comfortable. The flowers continue on regardless thankfully.

  11. Your flowers are always delightful! Here in Florida we have a very mild winter so we see some flowers year round! Right now everything is greening up! ♥

    1. Wonderful to hear you've had some all-year round bloomers this year Lavender Dreamer. Greening up must mean Spring is not far off.

  12. Hi Bernie - we have had a weird summer here - blazing hot one day and rain the next. At present we are having a few cooler days for which I am grateful. I don't think I could stand the steam and humidity you have! Thank you for the beautiful blooms you have brought to us. And the sunrise! what a wonderful reason to be up early! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Jill, the conditions after the summer rain here are horrid. It's been stiflingly hot and suffocatingly sticky in the last few days since the heavy downpours at the end of last week. It's been hard going lately. I'm up early these mornings just to try and catch some cooler conditions before the day starts.

  13. To hot here too! Lovely mosaic, still a great variety flowering. Beauties!

    1. Hi Titania. We've had loads of mid-30 deg C days here lately and the humidity has been very high. It's hard getting out of the air-con!

  14. Yes I agree Bernie .... twilight is the loveliest time of the day ... soft and tinged with those delicate shades of apricot, pink and lavender. Flowers are at their sweetest ... as you say it's almost the end of our hot scorching summer and we have beautiful mild autumn to look forward to.
    Your photos are delightful as always.

  15. Such a lovely sunrise Bernie! I can't wait for the heat, winter always seems way too long here.


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