
Friday, February 10, 2012

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On A Steamy End-of-Summer Day.

Whoa!  Old Man Summer has ramped it up a notch or two in the last couple of weeks.  We've had very steamy sticky days where the mercury has climbed up to the mid-30 deg C mark (around 91-92 deg F).  It feels like you could wring the air around you like a damp rag and watch the waterdrops fall.  We've had some magnificent tropical thunderstorms in the evenings ... complete with resplendent lightning shows and crackling thunder.  The rain buckets down every few days, about 6 inches (154 mm) since the beginning of the month.

There's actually not all that many flowers to be see out in the garden right now.  The plants seem to have taken a break from blooming, as if it's all just too hard.  Thank heavens for the colour produced by these hardy heat-tolerant, sun-tolerant and humidity-tolerant few.

Torenia 'Violet Magic', 

Angelonia angustifolia,


Cosmos sulphureus,

purple Lagerstroemia indica,

pink Lagerstroemia indica,

Galphimia glauca and Ruellia tweediana,

Neomarica lonigfolia, 

and Anthurium.

I'm joining Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers

Floral Friday Fotos


  1. Want to swap? It's snowing here. Not a flower to be seen :( Your lovely blooms cheer me up no end though. :)

    1. Hi Sue. After a long hard day at work which includes a playground duty out on the oval in the almost midday heat and humidity, I think I would be well and truly ready for a swap. Snow and cold sounds great right now!

  2. What do you mean, there aren't many flowers right now in your garden? Such a show you gave us in this post. It all looks lush. (I can just feel the steaminess!)

    1. G'day Laurrie. Well there are patches of colour here and there, but I'm missing all the lovely annuals now. They've all given up the ghost, even my Gazanias have succumbed to another hot, humid, wet summer.

  3. Your garden is just spectacular! I wait for your posts each week so I can show my partner....I think he will be very jealous of the warmth you have when we start to frost!

    1. Thank you SportyMummy. I look at my garden and just see a work-in-progress. The work has pretty much ceased for now though as it's just way too hot to be out there. Even the courtyard is abandoned in this heat!

  4. I loved your description of the weather - spot on! I think you may be be getting more actual rain than we have this year. I think everything gets tired in the heat and humidty - plants and people!

    1. Hi Africanaussie. We've had a few very heavy downpours so far this year, but nothing like the rain they're getting down south, poor souls! I totally agree about everything getting tired in this weather. It's just so draining! Did you see your lovely Cosmos blooming in my garden? They've done so very, very well.


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