
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... The Fourth Day.

Continuing my 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' series showing some of the sights around my place this year ...

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me ....

... four Wallabies.

(Mother Agile Wallabies and their 'joeys')


  1. They need santa hats!;0)...Still think they look sweet though.

  2. Sweet photos. This is a great little Christmas series you are doing Bernie.


  3. really sweet photos we had wallabes in our village so cute.

  4. Sueb, lol yes I should have photoshopped some little Santa hats on their heads!

    Flowerlady, I'm glad you're enjoying the series of photos. It's a great way of using photos that have rarely seen the light of day.

    Cathy, I find it extraordingary that you had wallabies in your village. It always amazes me when I hear how they've travelled the globe!

  5. Lovely photos, and something we don't see in London, Christmas or not! Wonder what's coming tomorrow....
    Take care :-)


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