
Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Twelve Days Of Christmas ... The Fifth Day.

Continuing my 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' series showing sights you would see around my place ...

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...

five but...ter...flies!


  1. Wow Bernie, your butterflies are so beautiful and the photos very vivid. That swallowtail with red hindwing i can't pin down like that, never stop fluttering. But the height of our butterflies presence is in June after the first heavy rains. You just have the rains, no wonder they are now starting to hatch. I will have them again next year, a very long time yet.

  2. Hi Andrea, yes you're right about the butterflies turning up in masses after the first rains. I've been seeing some beautiful ones lately and it's hard to get great shots of all of them.

    That butterfly you mentioned is the Red-Bodied Swallowtail, Pachliopta polydorous. It's a rainforest butterfly and doesn't make it down our way very often, but every now and then I spot one.

  3. Bernie I see that it is 82F where you are. Would you like to trade temps? Ours is 25F right now!

    Beautiful butterflies...

  4. Gorgeous photos of the butterflies. Great post!

  5. Those are exquisite butterflies.


  6. Lol, Jean, I'm going to say no! It's such a beautiful summer's evening this evening! It's so comfortable with the sea breeze coming in and the humidity level so low, I'm not ready to trade!!!

  7. Thanks Eileen, it's been lovely seeing so many butterflies around here lately.

  8. So pretty, your butterflies. We still get an occasional visitor through the open greenhouse door when there's a really warm day. I look forward to summer when they come out in great numbers.

  9. I thought you might change your mind! Its all of 37F right now. BRRRRRR


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