Friday, November 18, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... As The End Of Springtime Draws Closer.

Only  12 more days until the start of Summer.  Springtime here is almost over and the 'dry' season is drawing to a close as well.  There's still quite a bit of colour in various corners of my place despite the parched conditions, especially in my tiny Daylily Corner of the tiered garden beds.  The dark varieties have been strutting their stuff lately.

Here's Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' with its deep purple ruffled petals.

To the left in the shot above is Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Midnight' with its dark purple/black bloom,

and this is Hemerocallis 'Velvet Eyes' with its vibrant red petals and velvety black red eye.

Of course, there have been some brighter Daylily blooms as well.

Here's Hemerocallis 'Continental Holiday'.

Hemerocallis 'Blackberry Jack' has been flowering the longest out of all the varieties, and it's still putting on a show.

Hemerocallis 'Jamaican Me Crazy' certainly lights up this spot in the tiered garden bed, and makes a great partner for Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi' in the background.

It's been fabulous seeing Hemerocallis 'Sabine Baur' in all her beauty too.

The first unusual bracts and blooms are appearing on my Mussaenda philippica x erythrophylla 'Calcutta Sunset'.  Both the yellow mottled red and orange bracts and the greenish white flowers are rather tiny compared to the other Mussaendas that grow in my garden.  I'm looking forward to seeing the display as summer rolls in.

Elsewhere in the tiered garden beds, the Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' is flowering once more,

as is the Salvia farinacea 'Victoria Blue'.

All the Poinciana trees, Delonix regia, are covered in their bright red flowers now.

The last of the Oriental Lilies is on show out in the shadehouse, and it's just beautiful.

While out in the courtyard,

the Gardenia augusta continues to bloom,

and I just love the way those brilliant pure white flowers fade into a golden buttery yellow as they age.

Elsewhere in the courtyard garden,

the Torenia 'Violet Magic' just keeps on flashing its gorgeous purple flowers,

as does Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'.

I love the way this white Angelonia serena just appeared in a dish of Gomphrenas.  It has such lovely delicate flowers.

The Bumblebee Petunias and Bracteanthas keep on blooming,

and so do the Nasturtiums.

For more fabulous Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers posts, go and visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm joining Today's Flowers

Flowers On Saturday


  1. Hi Bernie,
    You have some beautiful Spring flowers! I really love all the daylily cultivars. Your poinciana tree is gorgeous. Happy Spring. David/ :-)

  2. Oh my goodness, I am so jealous! The flowers are so beautiful. It's really interesting how plants take on different shades of colors in the different parts of the world. I really like your plants:)

  3. You have some real stunners in your garden but for me the stars are those gorgeous Torenias and the plectranthus, simply beautiful.

  4. Oh my gosh Bernie ~ I feel like I've just visited a bit of heaven. I can almost smell those gardenias. Your daylilies are wonderful.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  5. As we trail into damp grey winter, I am quietly dieing of daylily envy.

  6. Beautiful. The Oriental Lily is stunning!

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  8. What a lot of treasures you have in your garden Bernie! I've never seen those little bumble bee petunia before - what a splash of colour they would make nestled in amongst the green.
    Enjoy your weekend

  9. Bernie, Your daylilies and your gardenias are fantastic! Happy spring/summer to you - I'm envious, as we are heading into the cold weather very soon.
    Blessings, Beth

  10. Wow, your garden is full of lovely beauty!
    I really like that 'Blackberry Jack'- gorgeous color.

  11. what a lovely collection of images

  12. Bernie, its a treat just to go through your post! What a lot of beautiful daylilies you have! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your flowers!

  13. welcome to tina´s picstory! thanks for this wonderful weekend flowers :) hope you have a great week!

  14. You have a very pretty garden. Your blooms are fabulous.

    Moms...Check Nyo

  15. what a lovely collection of daylilies you have.

  16. Wow! Gorgeous!
    I'm green with envy! ;-)

  17. Beautiful flowers, what a gorgeous garden you have.

  18. Wow, I almost hyperventilated from gorgeousness overload! What beautiful flowers - wonderfully photographed!!!

    I found you through Weekend Flowers on Friday.

  19. flowers information will surely make people advise others to read this post.


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