
Monday, October 10, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... School Roses On Show

The dry season conditions here are most certainly agreeing with the Roses at school.  When I moved rooms at the beginning of the year, I became responsible for the small Rose garden just outside the building where my 'Star Room' is located.

At the beginning of the year, all the Roses were in a bad way after a terrible wet season and cyclone season.  It's taken some loving care and attention, but finally the shrubs are looking healthy and happy and blooming prolifically.

Thank goodness, I say, because I've never grown Roses before and really had no idea how to care for them.  But it seems I've been doing the right thing so far.

Unfortunately, they will have to remain nameless as there were no labels to be found and the previous occupiers of the building had no idea of the varietal names.

 The pretty pink Roses definitely win the 'Best Perfume' medal ...

... but it's this gorgeous specimen that has won my heart.  It starts out as this brilliant orangey colour, but then fades to almost a pinky peach.

To see some terrific Mosaic Monday posts, go on over to visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Wow Bernie, for not knowing anything about growing roses, I'd say you are taking wonderful care of these roses at school and they are rewarding you splendidly.


  2. Bernie, your roses are just gorgeous. I love all the pretty colors. I am so happy they are doing well. Beautiful mosaics, have a great week!

  3. Wow, Bernie. You are doing a fabulous job. The roses are gorgeous. Have a great week:)

  4. Thanks Flowerlady, Eileen and Garden Of Threads ... I think it's been a matter of luck and a little intuition that's helped bring the Roses back to their full glory.

  5. This entire post is a bouquet of stunning roses! I could honestly smell their beautiful fragrance in my mind.

  6. Hello Bernie! You have such sweet blooms today. I love them all! Glad to hear that the rain and all didn't spoil these beautiful roses. And congrats you really have good hands for roses. Keep planting!

  7. Great colors! My roses are coming back this month....time for a little love and pruning to have some nice flowers in November:)

  8. I love each one of them!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a nice week,

  9. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! The yellow rose looks like the rose they call here "The Peace Rose." That rose stole my heart many years ago when we were stationed at Ft. Ord in California. Thank you for your visit and have a grand day! Cathy

  10. Gorgeous roses! I can smell them!!
    Have a wonderful week.
    Ladybug Creek

  11. Wow, Bernie. The roses are just gorgeous. You are definitely doing something right! :D :D

  12. What ever you're doing just keep doing it because they are gorgeous.

  13. Bernie you are doing a wonderful job with the roses. They look beautiful.Have a wonderful week!

  14. What a beautiful survivors these roses, Bernie, they love the attention you are giving them and reward with these stunning blooms. Thank you for sharing

  15. The pink one looks ruffled! I'm sure they do smell heavenly! ♥

  16. They all look beautiful, but that orange one stole my heart, too! Looks like they are very happy and have loads of buds on them just waiting to bloom.

  17. All of your roses are beautiful, but I agree with you about your favorite - it's stunning! I hope your roses continue to bring you much joy.

  18. You must be doing something right because your roses look so beautiful! And you captured their beauty perfectly in your photos.


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