
Friday, October 14, 2011

Flower Flaunt Friday ... On A Day That Began With An Amazing Sunrise

The view across to the hills this morning was unusual.  The combination of colours, cloud formations and smoke from the bushfires still raging in the mountain ranges created a morning sky that looked almost apocalyptic!  It was an incredible sight.

So on this day that started out with a strange twist, let's see what's blooming around the place.

The first of my Hemerocallis has begun blooming.  Hemerocallis 'Blackberry Jack' heralds the beginning of the Daylily show for the Spring of 2011, which is a little late this year.

The first brilliant red blooms of the Delonix regias or Poincianas have started showing their faces.

In the shadehouse garden, the fabulous colours of the Asiatic Liliums are on show ...

... and so is the beautiful spathe and spadix of my purple Anthurium.

Out in the Courtyard Garden, I can see the blooms of ...

the Torenias,

the Gazanias,

the Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues',

the 'Bonanza' Petunias,

and the Tabernaemontana.

I'm also seeing the lovely bright green foliage of the new growth on one my Cycas revolutas.

This is the first 'break' of 2011.

I'm joining Tootsie's Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers  meme today,

and the Skywatch Friday meme,

as well as Today's Flowers

I highly recommend you visit all these fabulous memes.


  1. Niebo faktycznie niesamowite i cudne. Piękne kwiaty. Ja,żeby zobaczyć lilie w swoim ogródku muszę poczekać do czerwca/lipca przyszłego roku :-(. Pozdrawiam

  2. Giga, I know just how lovely your Lilies are so it's worth the wait until June. Thanks for visiting and leaving your gracious comment.

  3. Oh I am amazed at all the color you have in your gardens through the year! I would love to grow asiatic lilies but thought they would need sun - if you grow them in your shade house maybe I can grow them under my lychee tree ... mmm do you leave the bulbs in year round?

  4. Glorious sunrise shots, and beautiful flowers! That Anthurium is the most unique I have ever seen.

  5. Your flowers are looking fantastic. I imagine there's a lot of TLC required given your dry conditions at the moment.

  6. Oh wow the flowers are so beautiful. Ours is starting to wither for fall and winter. ^_^

    Sky Watch

  7. I am always in awe of the variety of flowers you always have blooming in your garden. You are certainly one amazing master gardener. Such a beautiful post this week. Hope all is well with you down is fall here, the leaves are going quickly, and the temps are getting cooler. Take care...have a nice weekend. genie

  8. Your gardens are a sight for sore eyes! Love seeing the riot of colorful blooms! Loving the Anthurium!

  9. It's good to see your garden bursting back into bloom. My only flower in the garden is one sad Dahlia! I know I can count on you for my flower fix over our winter months. The Delonix is gorgeous.

  10. Africanaussie, yes the Asiatics and Orientals do well both in the shadehouse (which is covered by shadecloth that blocks out 75% of the UV rays, but is not totally in shade) and in the courtyard where they are shaded from the midday sun. They do need some sunlight, but certainly need shading from our harsh midday sun. Mine are all in pots, and yes I leave the bulbs in the pots all year round. I always cut the plants back when they've finished blooming.

  11. Karen, I only have that one Anthurium. I'm not a big fan of the usual red, but I do so love the purple.

    Missy, these plants are most certainly given loads and loads of TLC right now. I'm out there watering every morning or evening right now, but they are still wilting when I get home from work.

    Kim, it's still springtime here but it feels like summer already. The heat and humidity have dropped in for an early visit.

    Genie, thanks for dropping by. All is well here apart from the fact that it's our dry season and it already feels like we're going to be in for one horrible summer.

    Deb, glad you enjoyed the blooms. There's not the usual collection for this time of year, but at least there are some lovely things in flower.

    Sue, I'll try and keep the flower shots coming. Here's hoping your winter won't be too bad.

  12. Hi there - I got excited today because I did not have to wear a coat on the walk to work! Hard to believe we live in the same country!

    Great colours.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  13. The Sunrise was awesome, amazing how nature and disaster can work together to produce beauty. I remember the glorious Sunsets we saw in Washington State after Mt. St. Helens blew her top.
    Your garden is really beautiful and must take up a lot of time to keep it that way, the profusion of flowers and greenery is gorgeous.
    Love the music too.

  14. What a beautiful sky out there, and the garden was amazing with the lovely colors of flower.

  15. What a beautiful sunrise, a great start to your day. I am always amazed at the beauty of the gardens and flowers. Happy skywatching!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful!! Glad you didn't have wallabies eating away on this post.

  17. Stewart, I think I wore a coat once about three months ago up here! They don't come out of the drawer very often. Obviously your Spring down there has been a little chilly.

    Jackie, thanks for your lovely comment. It is hard work keeping the plants going through the dry season here and the weather has turned decidedly summery now as well.

    OZMini, you're very kind. Thanks for visiting.

    Eileeninmd, the sky was truly something special!

    Darla, I've got one pesky wallaby still munching away happily. The others seem to have given up for now.

  18. Oh, gorgeous! Love the lilies the best, but there are so many that caught my eye. Just beautiful.

  19. Bernie,

    what beautiful blooms but that palm like plant is my favorite!


  20. Oh, lilies! How pretty. I always love the time of the year when lilies are in bloom. You always have such pretty Torenias.Have a wonderful weekend Bernie.

  21. You have such pretty blooms, Bernie, and so wonderfully photographed. The colors of the Gazania really are beautiful.

  22. Stunning sunrise!
    A lovely series of flower images but my favorite is the Anthurium - the color is amazing!

  23. "Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together."
    Thank you for your wonderful pictures!!
    - Cheers,

  24. Once again...I enjoyed looking at your pictures, they made me smile!

  25. Hi Bernie

    Wonderful flowers!
    I would like to complete my Guest Friend list for this year.
    I'm inviting you to participate again as our Guest Friend of TODAY'S FLOWERS.



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