
Monday, October 3, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Dry Season Doldrums.

I'm deep in the dry season doldrums at the moment ... dry brown landscape all around, ravenous wallabies nibbling loads of plants to stubs, sad looking shrubs and trees still in cyclone recovery mode, and lots of thirsty pathetic looking plants everywhere.  Then there's the on-going construction site that is the carshed and the sight my damaged house and pergola, still not fixed after Yasi hit over seven months ago.   Whilst the insurance claim was settled over three months ago, the repairs have still not begun!!!   All these things have really been bringing my spirits low lately.

Thank goodness I have been fortunate enough to have a weekend away by the beach with my other half ...

... a week spent with my darling grandchildren ...

... and then I came home to the very first of my Asiatic Liliums in bloom.

All of this has gone some way to lifting my spirits.  I think it was a great idea to get away for the semester break and have time away from the not-so-good-looking garden, house and yard.  Now it's back to work, both at school and in some corners of the garden.

For great Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. It is wonderful that you got away and now feel refreshed. V

  2. Kids were certainly enjoying themselves weren't they? Wonderful pictures! Cathy

  3. Lovely lilies. They look very special. Nice for you to have a weekend out and meeting your grandchildren. They look so cute. Hope the next week will be nice for you.

  4. Hi Bernie; The beach scenery is beautiful and your Lilliums look so gorgeous. Green fingers! Good to catch up with the family. Lovely grand-children.
    It is fairly dry here too. I am cleaning one border after the other, it is a LOT of work, but so pleasing when it looks clean again. I have found many bulbs which were overgrown and did not have a chance anymore. Have a lovely week. T.

  5. Hi Bernie.
    I have to say your beach is much more appealing than mine. Isle of Wight ferry V Palm trees and sandy beach you win, no contest. Your precious ones have grown. Looks like they're having a great time on the trampoline did you have a go? Your Lilies are gorgeous. My garden is looking very sad at the moment. I liken my garden to a Phoenix out of the ashes it will rise again.
    Your garden may be looking sad at the moment but before long it will beautiful again, just like you lovely lady.
    Take care.

  6. Tropical palm trees, bouncy trampoline kids, and asiatic lilies --- I don't have any of those in my garden! It's a treat to see them here, and you are so upbeat to recognize the happy things going on even in the worst of your down season.

  7. Dear Bernie ~ Glad you had a lovely get away and that you feel refreshed. Things do have a way of getting us down at times, and all it takes usually is a different perspective. What a wonderful treat to have that lily in bloom when you got home.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  8. Bernie, this looks like a wonderful getaway on the beach. Your grandchildren are just adorable! I can't find the lily bulbs anywhere this fall, not sure what happened.


  9. The lilies are so pretty Bernie. But I will take the beach, sun and sand any day. LOL!

  10. Val, the time away from home was just what I needed.

    Cathy, if only I had half of my grandkids' energy! They certainly kept me on my feet.

    Ingmarie, as I'm back to work this week for the start of a new term, I'm expecting it to just rush by.

    Titania, what a shame about those bulbs. You do sound very busy out in your garden, but it will only look even better for all your hard work.

    Sue, the kids would spend all day on the trampoline is they could. They really do love it. I can't wait for my Phoenix of a garden to rise again!

    Laurrie, I'm so grateful for the break away from the garden and surrounds here. It really was getting me down.

    Flowerlady, the Lily was a welcome sight when I got back home. I'm now looking forward to the others blooming as well.

    Eileen, the case of them missing Lilies remains unsolved! It's strange how some things are just never seen again.

    Lona, I too just love time by the beach. It's just such a relaxing and restorative thing.

  11. That's wonderful that you could get away from it all, Bernie. Those little cuties must've really lifted your spirits more than anything else :)
    The lilies look awesome!

  12. Ongoing projects that have not yet started or which have started, but drag on without end (that's my story) can really pull a person down. It's all so overwhelming. Anyway, I am glad that you got away and saw those beautiful grandchildren. They must lift your spirits. All the best on those projects. It's going to be great!


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