
Monday, September 26, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... On A Mission.

My better half and I were on a mission over the past weekend.  We whisked ourselves away to our favourite get-away spot to celebrate another milestone in our marriage ... our 33rd anniversary.  It's amazing how quickly the years pass and I think we often overlook just what an achievement it is to still be together and happy after all this time.

Mission Beach is only a three-hour drive away and we always love to stay at one particular resort right on the beach front.  The Castaways Resort has been a favoured destination of ours for well over ten years now, and it never fails to disappoint.  Luckily it came through Tropical Cyclone Yasi very well despite the fact that it was located within the very destructive centre of the cyclone when it made landfall.

The views from our room over the coconut fringed sandy beach right in front of the resort are just spectacular whether it be early morning, midday or evening.  The sound of the ocean waves splashing onto the beach and the breezes blowing through the palm fronds is just instantly calming and relaxing.  If only the weekend could have gone on and on!  Unfortunately I'm about to head off now to visit my beautiful grandchildren, my son and daughter-in-law!  Ah, the sacrifices we have to make!

For loads of fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. I does look idyllic. Congratulations on your anniversary. V

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH. In this day and age, it is an achievement to be still married and happy to be so, with love still growing.

    That looks like a lovely get away to celebrate.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. What a lovely place to celbrate your anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. The beach and trees are just beautiful, I can see why you like to stay there. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing. Have a great week!

  4. Thank you so much, Valerie. It is indeed a fantastic place to spend a few days.

    G'day Flowerlady. Thanks for your well wishes. Let's hope we're still around for the next 33!!

  5. This looks like paradise! Thanks for sharing your beautiful destination with us. Have a beautiful week...and Happy Anniversary!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful spot you've found to make your own special celebration site - gorgeous. Have a good trip to visit your grands.

  7. Happy Anniversary! We also just celebrated our 33rd this year.

  8. Happy Anniversary. Glad to see Mission beach looking as it should.

  9. Thanks for making me dream about beeing there...
    Have a nice week,

  10. It's good to see the area bouncing back. Glad you had a lovely time.

  11. Looks amazing, M is so lucky to have such a wonderful lady by his side. We are celebrating our 33rd today, we are going out for lunch …to the beach and it will be sandwiches in the car! S is so romantic!

    Congratulations to you both x

  12. My heartiest congratulations. What a grand place to celebrate!!! Wishing you a wonderful week! Cathy

  13. Happy Anniversary! What a fantastic place to celebrate!

  14. Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing some of your celebration with us. Looks like the ideal get-a-way. Beautiful

  15. So glad you celebrated that great accomplishment. It really is something special. That resort looks absolutely fabulous! I would never want to leave!

  16. Happy anniversary to you and your DH. Missions beach looks very lovely and I am sure you had a marvelous time there.

  17. Congratulations,that is quite an achievement. enjoy your time with the grands.

  18. congratulations on your anniversary. I am glad that you treated yourselves to a weekend away at the beach - our beaches don't have palm trees over here! And I am very pleased to see the photos of Mission Beach - after hearing about all the cyclone damage earlier this year.
    Have a wonderful week.

  19. Happy (belated) anniversary, a wonderful milestone very worthy of celebration, and what a beautiful getaway! I think I've almost forgotten what one of those is. I really should remedy that. These pictures are very motivating!

  20. Happy Anniversary Bernie. I've been looking at your thumbnails in the other blog and thinking why you've not been posting. Now it's understandable, you're on vacation. Those photos looks like I am looking at our own beaches. I love the way you made your collage too. What do you use in doing them, i just use picasa.


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