
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ... A Touch Of Blue.

(our North Queensland Day Moth or Alcides metaurus)

I'm joining Wordless Wednesday , so drop in and check it out.


  1. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful blue, and wonderful photos.


  2. Wow, wow, wow. Beautiful captures.

  3. words are necessary but...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful moth Bernie. Fantastic pictures.

  5. Fabulous photos Bernie! I don't really think it's fair to call this beauty a moth though. What a stunner!

  6. Thank you Sue, Flowerlady, Beth, Sage Butterfly, Caite, Aerie-el, Lona and Curbstone.

    Curbstone, when I spotted this gorgeous creature in the garden the other day I went goggling butterflies to find out what it was. Hubbie thankfully recognised it as a moth. I too thought it was too pretty to be a moth!!!

  7. Beautiful butterfly and captures, Bernie!

  8. This is really a pretty moth. I love that color blue. Beautiful photos too, Bernie. The last one was my favorite 'pose'.

  9. Beautiful! And wonderful hue of blue. Good shots of the butterly Bernie :-D Have a great day!

  10. Dear Bernie.
    No, words are definately not neccessary. Beautyful beautyful photos.
    You are amazing with a camera! I´s stunned when I saw this awesome creature. Wow. Is it a Swallowtail ?
    I´m always looking forward to visit your blog. You always surprise me with your amazing ´shots´.
    A great day to you.
    Love Iris.

  11. Hi Stephanie, this beautiful creature is actually a moth, not a butterfly would you believe! I've lived here all my life and have never seen one before ... maybe I just wasn't looking!

    Iris, no it's not a Swallowtail Butterfly although the scalloped edges to its wings would lead you to that conclusion. This creature is a day-flying Moth! Yes, apparently the day-flying Moths are quite colourful, as you can see.

  12. Dear Bernie.
    I´ve never seen a ´moth´ as beautyful like this before. Of curiousity I googled it, and did find it, eventually. North Queensland Day-flying moth/Zodiac moth, Alcides metaurus. Wow.
    Thanks for letting me in on the details which made it possible for me, to figure out about the specie.
    Love Iris.

  13. Those close up photos of the butterflies were magnificent! I am looking for a new camera, one that can do close up and distant animal photos. Which camera did you use? Thanks Lori, and I have ordered new generators and pumps, and have installed a new water heater. It could have been really bad. Friends of mine on the south shore of Long Island did a lot worse. Cheers Lori


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