
Friday, September 9, 2011

Flower Flaunt On Friday ... Our First Week Of Spring.

Yes, it's our first week of Spring and that onwards march towards the searing summer heat and horrid humidity has started!  As you can probably infer, I'm not all that excited that Spring has actually arrived.  Luckily the conditions here are still cool and comfortable, so I'm still able to wander around the garden during the daylight hours.  That will change during Summer.

Here's a little of what I can see at my place right now.

In the surrounding bushland, the enormous Eucalyptus platyphylla or Poplar Gums are flowering.  The fluffy white flowers attract not only bees and birds, but also the fruit bats at nightime.

I'm hearing the squawks of the pretty green Scaly-Breasted Lorikeets ...

... and the Rainbow Lorikeets

almost every morning and evening as they feast on the nectar of these flower sprays.

In my driveway garden, I've finally spotted the first flower spray on one of the Duranta shrubs that had to be severely trimmed back after Yasi.  Even though most of these shrubs are still ugly looking stumps with just a few branches here and there, it's a delight to spot even this one lonely little flower spray.

Elsewhere, in the cyclone affected garden beds, the Russelias continue to bloom.  They are looking a little parched in these dry conditions though.

This poor Russelia flower spray is literally covered in spider webs.  The spiders have had to move into new premises since so many of the tall trees and shrubs were either cut down or cut back.

The first clusters of flower buds are appearing on the Murraya paniculata down the hill driveway garden bed.  Very soon the shrub will be covered in beautifully scented white flowers.

Out in the Shadehouse Garden ...

... the Tradescantia spathacea or Boat Lily is flowering.  You can see the little white flowers cradled in those boat-shaped bracts at the base of the plant.  Another common name for this plant is 'Moses In The Cradle' or 'Moses In A Boat'.

I'm also seeing the first bracts on my Stromanthe sanguinea 'Triostar'.  Very soon the first cluster of flowers will appear.

The gorgeous flowers of this double Impatiens walleriana are still on show.

In the Courtyard Garden ...

...  the Impatiens hawkeri or New Guinea Impatiens are continually in bloom.

They are fast becoming the mainstay of the pots out in the courtyard.  They just never seem to miss a beat!

My favourite Pelargonium continues to show off.   I love this 'Caliente' hybrid.

The Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender', Crossandras and Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues' continue their lovely display.

The first flower head of the Lavandula dentata or French Toothed Lavender has appeared.

My Salvia farinacea 'Victoria White' has begun its second flowering for the year.

Elsewhere ...

... my dwarf Azalea is still flowering ...

... and my Ozothamnus diosmifolius 'Radiance' is putting on its best show since I planted it just over a year ago.

Now for many more fantastic Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers posts, go over and visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm also joining Blooming Friday,


  1. A lovely flower flaunt. I love The impatiens

  2. So many beautiful flowers! I like the azalea best.Duranta with purple flowers is very attractive.

  3. I hope you have a long spring to enjoy. We hope to start feeling cooler temps come Oct/Nov. Right now it is still hot, humid and miserable.

    I love your double impatiens and that wonderful Pelargonium. I really like 'Radiance' too, the leaves sort of look like rosemary, and those sweet looking white flowers are neat.

    Enjoy your wonderful weather and beautiful gardens.


  4. Diane, it's lovely to see the variegated petals on that Impatiens back again. Last year when it bloomed the flowers were just red, but this year they're red and white once more.

    Lotusleaf, that dwarf Azalea has been blooming for ages now and I just love the flowers on it too.

    Flowerlady, we've actually had a little cool spell in the last two days so it's been rather lovely here. Hopefully the heat will break over there for you soon.

  5. I really like your pictures of the birds and flowers. Have a nice weekend./Gela

  6. What a great show in your garden over Winter and in to Spring. Complete opposite here in Scotland, we so look forward to Summer, which more often than not doesn't quite reach our expectations.

  7. So many wonderful flowers and the beautiful birds that I can`t se in my own country! I love your dwarf Azalea, a real beauty!
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. I'm thrilled by the large amount of flowering plants in your gardens, especially since you're only at the beginning of spring. Lovely!

  9. I envy you and is all so lovely!!
    since the summer is winding down here in Alberta, it will be nice to be able to see all the flaunts both past and present from all those who get to garden year round. I made FF open to photos from past gardens for those who are in climates that stink on ice like mine! lol
    Thank you so much for linking in this week...and for flaunting with me. I look forward to many more flaunts from you!
    Friday's Flaunts are a privelage for me to host. I love getting to be inspired by some of the most wonderful gardeners I have ever had the privelage of "knowing"
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.

  10. Thanks for the tour around the bush. I'm a transplanted Aussie in Kansas City. My parents farm was in Narrabri, NSW and I miss them and time in the bush greatly. Keep up the great work.

  11. Your spring flowers are incredible -- especially so when you are in such a dry area. I don't garden any more and so I get all my flower-fixes by admiring other people's hard work. Thanks for sharing yours! I've seen lorikeets on other Australian blogs but I continue to be amazed by its beauty.. and that it's an ordinary backyard bird for you!

  12. Hope that you will go ahead to create creative and flower post like that.


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