
Monday, August 8, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Where's All The Colour?

If you visited my place right now you'd be thinking 'The landscape looks so drab and dreary!  This can't be the tropics!!!  Where's all that bright, in-your-face tropical colour?'.

You'd be right!  We're smack bang in the middle of our dry season here, having had only 4 mm of rain in four and a half months.  That 4 mms mostly fell in April and with less than 1 mm falling in May.  So after months without decent rainfall the place is looking fairly dry.  There's a whole lot of brown (dead!) grass not only in our yard but in the surrounding bushland as well.  This is the dry tropics.

The vistas shots at this time of year would not be great choices for travel brochures photos!  I think a caption for the wallaby shot might be "Yeah, mate, this is why we call the place 'Brownsville'!  We're exhausted trying to find decent food!  Thinking we might have to migrate!"

Of course, while there's a definite lack of rainfall, there are glorious bright sunny skies, lovely cool conditions and very low humidity.  The winter is very mild here and, as if to make up for this dry looking landscape, the winter sunrises have been spectacular.  That's where we see all the colour these days.

So, if you do drop by, I'll make sure to wake you up nice and early to catch the colour before it disappears!  At least that is something to see.

For lots of terrific Mosaic Monday posts, visit our host Mary at Little Red House


  1. Stunning pictures of the sky...they made an amazing mosaic. The kangaroos are a source of fascination to me as I have never seen one in real life.

  2. What an amazing contrast in colour. I recon those Wallaby’s will be eying up your plants before long. I love the colours in the sky mosaic. I can imagine the bird song at that time of day is magnificent as well.

  3. Love the wallabys, they are cute. And your skyphotos are so colorful and gorgeous. Lovely mosaics. Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful week!

  4. Don't think I've ever seen pictures of the wallaby reclining! And, oh my, your collage of the evening sky is just exquisite! Wishing you well! Cathy

  5. Wow Bernie your images are spectacular as always. Love them. We are supposed to be in winter and it is supposed to be raining buckets here in Cape Town but it has been soooo dry and summery at times that it is very disconcerting indeed! winter is kown as the green season here but it is looking dry and dreary.


  6. Black Eyed Susan ... the early morning skies have truly been remarkable during this winter. I wish I was up early enough every morning to see them.

    Sue, you're so right. The bird song has been wonderful as well as the sunrises. We're always surrounded by a beautiful morning chorus here.

    Eileeninmd, thanks for stopping by. So glad you enjoyed the shots today.

    Cathy, yes this is the way the wallabies relax. This pair have been chilling out under the palms during the day for quite a few days now.

    Veronica, thanks for your lovely comment. Sounds like your winter is turning out to be very much the same as ours.

  7. Very interesting post and photos. I like learning about the different climates in Australia. Your sunrise shots are beautiful. Have a wonderful week! Pamela

  8. I find it so unusual that we are both in Australia and both in winter - and yet your winter is dry and ours, thankfully at last, is wet. Amazing - I would never expect to see Queensland tropics like this!

  9. Your mosaics are a work of art. I've just returned from Perth, and some of the trees were pretty bare too. Your sunrise images are spectacular!

  10. I definitely want to be awakened early to see your winter sunrises. Just make sure there's coffee. "Dry tropics" was a concept I did not know about before seeing your wondrous, strange, and different landscapes!

  11. Beautiful skies and I can really relate to hot and dry with the drought we are having here! Have a great week!

  12. So neat to just see the Wallabys sitting there like they were your pet pooches. We haven't hit that dry season yet here, lots of storms still and crazy weather.


  13. Hi Bernie, i have been waiting for a new post to appear in your thumbnails, not realizing the new posts are here. These scenes are exactly like ours during the dry season. We just have them at different months. I pity the forest dwellers like those wallabys, they look so tired and restless. Please read my two last posts, you might help ID my plant. I have a dilemma if it is P amboinensis or P alba. thanks.


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