
Friday, August 5, 2011

Flower Flaunt On Friday ... Our Last Month Of Winter

Here it is, our last month of Winter.  The wonderful sunny, mild weather continues and the memory of the last summer is now very distant.  We had a very light shower of rain overnight but it didn't do much for the garden.
These very, very occasional showers of rain are typical of our 'dry' season ... they barely touch the ground!  We don't really count them at all as their only worth is that they are refreshing and there's that faint smell of rain in the air.

Around my semi-rural neighbourhood, in people's yards and in the surrounding bushland, one of my favourite native winter bloomers is putting on a terrific display right now.  These are the blooms of our native Silk Cotton Tree ... Bombax ceipa leiocarpum.

Now to the blooms at my place.  There's a few little sprays on my two dwarf variegated Bougainvilleas.

My gorgeous Dietes bicolor continues to throw out flowers every now and then.

The Dianthera nodosa or Pink Lady Fingers is showing its last blooms at the moment.

The all-year-round blooming Hibiscus rosa-sinensis shrubs continue doing their thing.

The Russelias never stop flowering.

The Euphorbia pulcherrimas continue their winter show.

Now a little video clip to show some of the other blooms around the place today.

That's a quick run down on the blooms here in my north-eastern corner of Australia for this first week of our last winter month and mid 'dry' season.

For lots of fabulous Friday Flower Flaunt posts, visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time


  1. What gorgeous blooms! I love seeing the Poinsettia in the garden--not something you'd see here. It's all beautiful.

  2. Hi Bernie!
    The Cotton tree is so pretty! The blooms don't look like anything here that would be on a tree.
    My jaw about dropped when I saw your Poinsettia so lush and growing in your garden! The pink lady fingers is so pretty and delicate looking.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. You garden year round, that just wonderful. Such unique plants and flowers you share with us, thanks!

  4. I love your view! It is stunning! You may be challenged but it looks like you have overcome it. All your flowers are gorgeous! I'm amazed at the poinsettia and the grassy one with orange flowers.

    I'm your newest follower and would love it if you would follow me.
    Have a wonderful day!!

  5. Oh, goodness, you live in a tropical paradise! Winters here look nothing like that, even our summer season isn't as beautiful as yours. The flowers are so exotic and gorgeous. I'm always amazed when I come to visit your garden. Wonderful!

  6. Im always amazed at the many varieties of flowers and plants in your beautiful garden, most of them are also found here. The first blooms are really spectacular!

  7. Hi Bernie. Your Silk Cotton tree has beautiful blooms. Looks like it has a few wicked thorns too.The hibiscus is stunning. Enjoy your winter.

  8. The poinsettia is a stunner. I love this lovely shade of colour and the blooms are gorgeous. My poinsettia is green all over, even with blooms. Love your garden video. So many blooms.

  9. Have you ever counted the number of varieties of plants you have in your garden? Wow! You'll never run out of flowers to feature in your posts.Lovely blooms.

  10. your favorite bush/tree looks like a tree version of a tiger lily! You always amaze me with things I'd never have seen without meeting you!
    It does my heart good to tour around the gardens that are linked into my little party...I so wish every one of the people who share lived close enough that I could walk the gardens in person. Thank you so much for sharing with me this week...I hope you will again very soon!
    Hugs and smiles from Alberta Canada to you!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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