
Friday, July 15, 2011

Time To Flaunt Some Flowers

Let's see what's blooming around our mid-Winter garden right now.

There's a bit of purple!
 Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

Gomphrena globosa 'Purple Buddy'

Petunia ... unknown variety.

dwarf Angelonia angustifolia

There's a smattering of pink.


Antirrhinum 'Strawberry Crush'.

Wonder of wonders ... there are just a few flowers on my poor damaged Tabebuia impetiginosa.  They are a welcome and unexpected sight.
There's a flash of yellow.

Viola 'Petite Citrus'


There's also some wonderful shades of plum and burgundy.
The first buds on my Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues'.


Look!  Isn't this wonderful?  Peeping out from my neighbour's white Bauhina ...
... the very first blooms on their tree, and I get to enjoy them too as the tree hangs over my fence.

For some terrific Flaunt Your Flowers posts, please go and visit Tootsie at Tootsie Time

I'm also joining Today's Flowers


  1. hi Bernieh, the flowers are all great, but i am biased to the pansies. Whatever color they are, as long as they are pansies, i love them. We almost have the same conditions, so do you think they will flower here at humid and hot 29-36C?

  2. Good Morning from a sunny UK! I can hear the joy behind your words today at seeing some of those wonderful flowers especially the Bauhina and Tabebuia. It's great to see them back even if it's over the garden fence.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Your winter is a real treat. I loved all these sweet photos, but the gomphrena positively looks like balls of grape candy on a stick. I am trying to grow gomphrena 'Fireworks', a nice red one, but I have no blooms... the bunnies think it is candy for them.

  4. Bernie,

    Your flowers are lovely. I have never seen that ruffled petunia and dwarf angelonia is not a variety I have seen offered.

    I can't wait to grow the pansies and violas again when we cool off.


  5. Very beautiful mid-winter you have there, wish our winters here in Tn. were this colorful!

  6. Beautiful blooms and the bird photo is wonderful.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  7. Midwinter there looks a lot like summer here. Your garden is beautiful.

  8. Lovely music to view your blooms by. The photography is terrific and the blooms mouth-watering!

  9. Wow Bernie! Your purple blooms are so captivating esp the Mona Lavender and Petunia and those gorgeous azaleas and bauhina!

  10. Hi Bernie. Your Azaleas are so pretty. I love all the shades of pink in one bloom. I think your Plectranthus is the prettiest plant. The two birds are so cute. What a cute picture.

  11. You have some incredibly unique blooms in your garden! It's wonderful to be able to visit clear around the world and see the wondrous beauty everywhere. Have a terrific weekend!

  12. I am just amazed at your flowers and garden. Gorgeous colors, flowers and photos. And I just love the two Kookaburras. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a lovely day!

  13. As usual a great collection of flower and colors.

  14. Beautiful, love pink and purple tones in the garden. Those Pansies are lovely too. Great lot of blooms.

  15. Hi Bernie, thank you for sharing these great photos. Your flowers are gorgeous and those Kookaburras are adorable! I can just imagine sitting on your porch with all scents of the flowers, and hearing those little guys chirping away. That would be an idyllic time for me. Have a great week.

  16. Just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Your flowers are amaxing! E cEn your petunas are unique! Thanks for sharing, Paula in Idaho

  18. All the blooms are gorgeous. I like the colour of your azaleas. I wish for a winter like yours too.

  19. they are all just gorgeous! I know that petunia as frillytunia....but that is what my seed catalogs call
    thanks for linking into my little party again and are always a welcome participant and your flowers always just knock my socks off!

  20. The petunia you posted is [Petunia Frillytunia Burgundy] from Floranova


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