
Monday, July 18, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... A Likely Pair.

These two Laughing Kookaburras have been spending a whole lot of time together.  I have spotted them perched in trees together or sitting on the verandah railing together.  They definitely seem to like each other's company.

It's hard to tell male and females apart in this bird species, but I'm thinking that these two might just be a couple.   A male and female Kookaburra will pair for life, so this may be the beginning of a great love story!

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday meme today, so make sure you visit to see some fabulous mosaic posts.


  1. I'm sure there's not a Canadian who went to elementary school in the 50's and 60's who didn't sing the round about the Kookaburra. Til now I didn't know what it looked like, but I can still sing the song.

  2. I've always loved Kookas. We'ld feed them mince when they came and perched on the clothes line. However, our fingers never went near that beak.

  3. What a cute couple! I don't know if I ever have known what a kookaburra looked like. Now I do. Lovely birds with a titch of blue on the wing. Are they noisy?

  4. I agree with Pondside, as soon as I saw your post, the song came into my head. Great post Bernie. Hope all is well with you.

  5. I love to hear a kookaburra's laugh. When I was a child I was sure they were laughing at me.
    Actually I still think that sometimes.

  6. They're handsome birds, Bernie! Lovely to have them around.

  7. What a handsome pair. It looks like you have new residents on your property; they seem to have made themselves quite at home. I think they are saying, “Told you if we sit here long enough she will get the camera out and we will become famous.”

  8. I never saw them either, but remember the song. I enjoyed seeing them through your photos. They are a nice looking bird.

  9. I've never seen them but knew the name. How cute they are, they make a nice couple. And what fun to see on the veranda!
    Have a great week.

  10. I know the song that Pondside is referring to in her comment! "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree.
    Merry, merry king of the bush is he..." These birds may not live in Canada, but we did learn the song! Luckily, you can't hear me singing it. Beautiful photos, Bernie.

  11. I have never seen these birds before...great mosaic and so nice to be able to picture the birds we have been singing about all these years.

  12. I love these birds! When I was little we had a family friend living in Australia, and she'd ask what she should send me. I'd always ask for a Kookaburra, but she'd only send me one on a postcard! ;)

  13. Bernie,

    Your bird pictures are great, quite an education for me who sees a robin or a cardinal.


  14. At last I can see these birds! I always liked the name!

  15. Hi Bernie I just love your site, thanks for sharing all your beautiful photos. I've just started a new online plant nursery website based in Central Queensland, I'll be a regular visitor to your site for relaxation and lovely music with my espresso coffee latte.


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