
Monday, March 21, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Feathers, Flowers, Sunshine and Blue Skies Sometimes.

Autumn is here, 'wet' season is almost over and finally we're seeing blue skies and sunshine hanging around a little bit longer every day.  My garden and I are coming out of the summer doldrums.

It makes a glorious change to wake up and spot patches of blue in the early morning sky  ...

... and then to see blue as the day's work draws to an end.

There may be some grey in between, but at least there's blue!

There seems to be more life around the garden too.  The dragonflies hover ...

... and the birds re-appear.

There are flowers on the Palm trees ...

... and flowers on the Crotons.

Even these flowers, which usually go unnoticed, are cheering me up no end as I walk about this garden in recovery.  It's about time I appreciated these mostly unappreciated blooms .  They are a great sight as I wander amongst the damaged plants at the moment.

For so many more great mosaic, go and visit Mary's meme  Mosaic Monday


  1. I can't wait for Spring to arrive. Your pics are a lovely reminder that summer is just around the corner for us here.

  2. Hi Bernie, I love your mosaic Monday posts! What fun to see your birds and flowers in such pretty and thoughtful mosaic designs! One of these days I'm going to learn how to do that! Wishing you a dry and mild first week of Autumn Downunder.

  3. Glad you are enjoying the blooms in your recovering garden. Regrowth takes time for all, man, plants and animals.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

    P.S. Thanks for the bday wishes.

  4. It's so good to see the birds and blue sky making you smile again. :0)

  5. In you go autumn, spring is coming with us. You will be quite short to watch the flowers in our gardens. Yours

  6. Hi Bernie: Nice to see that you are in a happyier season for weather. I am glad spring is finally here on this side of the world. Your plants and birdies look happy too. V

  7. Great Mosaics Bernie, we are getting some rain finally in Sydney too:)
    Enjoy the week
    Sharon xox

  8. Bernie,
    sounds as though you also had a wonderful weekend enjoying the sunshine. I feel invigorated by it. I am sure your whole garden will be bursting with new life.

  9. Looks like things are slowly coming back. I hope you have a much better autumn.


  10. It always takes a minute for me to remember your seasons are opposite to ours. Fabulous mosaic Bernie. Take care:)

  11. So very beautiful! The clouds are lovely!! Wonderful mosaics! Thank you! Cathy

  12. I enjoyed having a look at what's around you. It's all quite exotic!

  13. Wonderful garden photo's...such crisp colours and I love dragonflies.

  14. Each mosaic is favorites are the sky and the birds... Is this season your favorite?

  15. Fantastic mosaics, Bernie! Beautiful shots. I can't wait for spring!

  16. Your collages are awesome! especially the bird one. So much live indeed!! I wish for more sunshine will go your way. Enjoy the sound and wonders of Nature :-D

  17. Having joined Mosaic Monday this week I am now enjoying blog hopping around the world admiring everyone else's beautiful photography and gaining inspiration. It cheers me when so much of the world around us is in turmoil for one reason or another.
    I am also a keen gardener so this was a particularly interesting post for me. By the way I do not subscribe to posts any more as my mailbox was overwhelmed!!

  18. Hello Bernie - I've missed checking in on your Mosaic Mondays! Beautiful images - the first of the early morning sky really leaps out for me. It must be wonderful to see those high wispy clouds and lots of blue again!

  19. Beautiful collages Bernie. Such great photo's of the birds. Wonderful, life is returning to your place. The dragonflies have returned, a sure sign of the dry season coming up. Your blogs are such a joy to visit.

  20. Oh, how beautiful!!! I loved seeing all your mosaics, but those dragonflies are INCREDIBLE! Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)


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