
Friday, March 25, 2011

Flower Flaunt on Friday ... as the end of our 'wet' season approaches.

I've had enough of the sweltering heat and the pelting rain now, thank you!  I want our typical dry, sunny blue-sky Autumn days.  The weather seems to have fallen into a regular pattern ... dreary start to the day, hours of sweltering heat and maybe, an hour of harsh intense sunshine, but usually the day is gloomy and overcast with the occasional heavy shower of rain, and then a battering bucketing downpour while we're sleeping.

Here's the view towards the ranges this morning.
There's just the hint of blue sky behind all those clouds, but don't be fooled into thinking it might be a lovely bright sunny blue-sky day.  No such luck!

I do admit that the rain and the break from fierce sunshine might be very helpful for the recovery of the many damaged shrubs and trees, but loads of sunshine would certainly mean the other shrubs and plants would be blooming far more profusely. 

So here are a few of the rather meagre offerings around the garden right now.  You'll see so many of the blooms are weighed down by raindrops!

Pseudomussaenda flava (Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda or White Wings)

Scutellaria suffrutescens (Pink Texas Skull Cap)

New Guinea Impatiens

 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Roseflake'

Turnera ulmifolia  (Yellow Alder)

Turnera subulata (White Alder)

Acalypha wilkesiana

 Rex Begonias

Globba winitii

I did find a few surprises in my early morning jaunt.
There's a gorgeous bunch of flowers on my Rosebud Zonal Pelargonium finally.  Most of the Pellies have not done well during the last few months and are longing for a hot bright sunny day!

One of my Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' is showing blooms once more, although the other has given up and shrivelled away to nothing but a stick.

There's one lonely flower on my Allamanda blanchetii, which was cut back rather severely after cyclone Yasi's departure.

I have also noticed that my Serissa foetida (Snowflake shrub) is starting to show its' tiny white flowers again.

For many more Fertiliser / Flaunt Your Flowers Friday posts, visit Tootsie's meme over at Tootsie Time

I'm also joining the Today's Flowers meme and would recommend a visit ... go on over to Today's Flowers


  1. Hi Bernie,

    The rex begonias were shown this year at the flower show as outside plants for the summer. I hope things come back for you, weather has been a big concern throughout the world. We are still really cold, much below normal for this time of year, 27 degrees F this morning.


  2. Loved these photos...hopefully you'll see the sun really soon!!!
    Have a beautiful weekend!!!

  3. You sure have some lovely, unique blooms. I love that Impatiens, and the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Roseflake'. Your Rex begonias are wonderful, as is the mona lavender. Love the muted colors of that alamanda too.

    Hope you see some sunny skies soon. We'd love to have some rain.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hi Bernie, your garden's looking good despite the rain. In fact they look so refreshed. I see a few unfamiliar blooms this time.

  5. All of your flowers are so beautiful! Love that white wing! What kind of location do you put it in? I have a very small white wing started from cuttings, and seems they are still not taken off, wonder if I did not put it in its preferable location. Your Roseflake foliage alone is pretty enough!

  6. Beautiful blooms even if they are wet. I'm a big begonia fan and yours is so pretty.

  7. Bernie you have so many varieties of flowers and plants in your garden,so much so I would always look up your blog to find out the name of any plant Im not sure of, sort of an enclopedia of plants! I love your variety of Mona Lavender, inside of the flower look a bit like batek. Mine is deep purple.

  8. What a wonderfully colorful display you are sharing for Fertilizer Friday. Your flowers are amazing, I have no adequate adjectives to describe them; each and every photo is so perfect. I hope your weather straightens out soon.

  9. Some people complain about the heat, cold others (like us). Your beautiful flowers cope Yours

  10. So many beautiful plants and flowers you have.

  11. These are beauiutfl and full of life!

    Have a great week ahead Bernie.

  12. as always, flowers in your garden leave me speechless. so lush and beautiful.

    Today's Flowers @ Live in the Moment

  13. There are so many beautiful flowers at the end of summer. It seems most of them have quickly recovered or they might have been more sheltered. I grow a globba it is so odd and exotic. Here it hibernates in winter, slips back into the soil. I grow it since many years in a big pot and it increases every year. The Rosebud- geranium looks gorgeous. I have to wait for mine to recover in the cooler season. I have neglected them over the hot summer month.

  14. Whoa! The variety you have!
    So pleasing to eyes, great series.

  15. So many lovelies! The top one, is called 'Dhobi's Kerchief' here. It grows in the forests.

  16. Hello Bernie,
    I greatly appreciate your pictures and information about your flowers and plants in your country.
    I alway try to learn and study more about our flora and fauna for a number of reasons. Preservation and conservation as well as gaining new biological understandings are just a few reasons why flora and fauna are important to researchers. Several organizations, including Fauna and Flora International (FFI), work together to use their research and findings to further policy on conservation and preservation as well as biodiversity.

    - Cheers Gisela.

  17. Wonderful collection of flowers and plants. You are having a beautiful fall.

  18. Vilka helt underbara bilder. Av en flora som många är obekanta för mig. Det är spännande att se växter från en trädgård med helt annat klimat. jag önskar dig en skön dag1 Zinnia


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