
Monday, February 14, 2011

Mosaic Monday ... Roses are not always red!

At the moment there's not much beauty to be found in my post-cyclone garden.  So I've had to look a little further for some photos today.

I've inherited a small rose garden at my school ... it's just outside my new room, so that's all that's needed for me to become responsible for it!  I'm afraid I don't know much at all about growing roses, so we'll see how I fare at this new gardening responsibility.  I will most probaby be asking for lots of advice.

Any hoo...  after all the cyclonic winds and rain we've been experiencing here lately it's surprising to see some of the roses showing off their lovely blooms!  There's not many of them right now, but the few that are flowering are looking pretty darn good after the horrible conditions they've been through lately.

How appropriate for Valentine's Day!

For other fabulous Mosaic Monday posts, please visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Good to have you back blogging again. I am sure those lovely Roses will flourish under your green fingers.

  2. Bernie, I am so glad that you can grow roses. They become addictive. I keep buying more and then wonder where I am going to put them.


  3. Its amazing that they weren't damaged. They are beautiful and a joy for Valentine's Day.

  4. Bernie I have been wondering how you fared during the cyclones and floods, so it is wonderful to see you back at Mosaic Monday. We of course have been watching the images on TV. Australia has had an awful start to the year. Take care and I hope you year goes well.

  5. Love that title and so true it is! Yellow and pink are my favorite rose colors. How lucky to have a rose garden outside your classroom! Do you have window views to it?

  6. It is so nice to have you back and blogging again. This has been a rough few months for you. Hope school is coming along well. All I can say, my friend, is you have the market cornered on collages.mosaics. YOU ARE THE BEST! Yours are such an inspiration each and everyone of them. This one is gorgeous!!!!!

  7. Wow, those are very lovely roses! You are lucky to have a rose garden. It sure can cheer you up after that horrible cyclone.

  8. Hi Bernie: I don't grow Roses either. Too sandy here for them but I love to look at them and smell their sweet fragrance. V

  9. Happy to be reading your posts again. I don't have to worry about cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. We just have snow storms and fortunately, snow melts!

  10. These are exquisite roses. Are you telling me that they are flowering right now after Yasi? Lovely collage, as per usual. You really know how to make them beautiful.
    Thank you for your comment to my Sam the firefly. You lucky woman to have them at the moment. I just love them. Do yours also make noise?
    I do hope that by now you have your power back on, as generators make so much noise ( we had one for 10 years! ) Please also visit my other blog abt house and garden.

  11. Happy to read your blog now that the storms have passed. The only thing that I know about Roses is that they will keep on blooming if you cut off the spent ones. At least the Knockout Roses do,and they are really hardy. Here on Long Island they bloom all summer until frost.

  12. They look very nice! loved the white one

  13. One of my very most favorite colors for roses is yellow. I like them to have streaks of red through them. They're SOOOOO pretty!


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