
Monday, February 21, 2011

Mosaic Monday - Its Post-Cyclone Clean-Up Time.

Im going to start this after-the-cyclone post with the pretty ... and then move onto the not-so-pretty. I actually found something that was still blooming out in my potted garden.   These little Celosia plants have really been a welcome sight. 

There's not a lot that's pretty around the property at the moment.  Most of the usual summer-flowering trees and shrubs are now well and truly trimmed back, some to the ground  ...  like the Plumeria, the Durantas and the Pseudomussaendas.

Could you possibly have more ugly sights than these spots???  It's still such a mess in so many places. 

It's been a downright disheartening time for us.  We had begun the job fairly cheerfully, thinking it may take a few weeks of hard work to really clean up.  But I think that was a rather optimistic outlook!  It's been over two back-breaking weeks and we're only about half way through the clean-up.  Every spare moment after work and on the weekends every since Yasi hit just over two weeks ago, has been spent chopping things down and then carting them to the green waste pile out beside our street. 

But I think it's more than just the time and energy needed for the job that's brought us down a little!  When you see the debris scattered everywhere and you see the broken trees and shrubs, it is definitely devastating.  But nothing prepares you for the sight of the garden after you've cleared away the debris and chopped back all the decimated trees and plants.  It's a very, very depressing sight!

It's all looking terrible, especially the entrance into the property.  I'm finding it hard to look at so much of the garden right now.  I just have to keep thinking that the recovery time for the garden has already begun.  Whilst there is beauty in the sky these days, I have to be patient for the garden to regain some of its beauty.

Please go on over to Mary's blog Little Red House to see some fantastic Mosaic Monday posts from all around the world.


  1. Oh my. you poor folks have really been through it... it has to be terribly difficult emotionally... I'm certain you will persevere and I'm sure good and beautiful things will come out of these difficult times... Larry

  2. Thank God that was over! Notwithstanding the damage done in your garden, at least you and your family are safe and your garden still producing lovely blooms for Mosaic Monday! Here we call those Cock's Comb flower. Anyway, I know how hard it is to start again after the damage, preserverance and hard back-breaking work will slowly heal and rejuvenate your garden to its former glory! Hang in there!

  3. What a terrible season it's been for you. I hope that you will find that the recovery brings new vistas, new plantings and continued joy in your garden.

  4. Dear Bernie - you make me feel quite ashamed of my recent garden whinge as it does not compare to this kind of devastation. Must be hard to post these pics though they will serve as good contrast when the plants zoom back into growth. Also wondered if this was a chance to plan something different in the garden which you might not have done had things not needed such drastic action. After all, you have a rainbow ;)

    Laura x

  5. In all the debris and chaos of clean-up you found a rainbow. Hope!!! It's still there! Wishing you well! Cathy

  6. Dear, dear Bernie ~ May heart goes out to you and your DH as you deal with clean up and the devastation of your beautiful property. When something like this happens, it really makes you appreciate what you had. I think you'll be in for some happy surprises, and in time your gardens will fill in and be lovely once again, bringing peace and beauty to you in many ways.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  7. Bernie, what a shame that you have had to cut down all those beautiful tropicals. Thankfully, you still have some blooms to make you feel a little better. I hope you do not have anymore damaging weather.


  8. That's a lot of devastation to your gardens and surroundings. Hopefully time will heal everything.

  9. Hold on to that last collage with the rainbows... I can totally understand that it must be a discouraging sight if you've spent a lot of time on creating a garden - having to start over again. Nature has amazing power to heal itself though. I wonder at it every year as we go from winter to summer here.

  10. Hang in there, Bernie. I felt just like you after Hurricane Ike hit here several years ago. I thought we'd never finish the clean-up. Everywhere we looked people were out stacking up the trees/bushes that had been lost in the storm. It does come to an end and plants will bloom again, but it does seem like it takes forever and is so tiring. Hugs to you......

  11. Wishing you all the very best as you go about the heartbreaking and backbreaking work of setting things to rights. The thing is, after such a storm, that things will never be the same as they once were, but that does not mean that they will not be beautiful again with time.

    The rainbow is such an excellent affirmation of that.

  12. What a huge and unpleasant task and in the heat too I'm thinking. Your poor garden really copped a beating. I know it must feel like it has been destroyed but in time it will be beautiful again. I hope it doesn't take too long.

  13. Lots of hot, hard work. Mother Nature hates a vacuum - it will all be filled in again before you know it.

  14. It's sad when a beautiful garden is destroyed. Lots of hard work is needed to recover it. I hope your garden will recover soon.
    The flowers in the first mosaic are very pretty!

  15. So sorry about your devastated will just takes so much time and work!!! All of our trees were badly damaged in a ice storm a couple of years ago and this healing will not take place in my lifetime but I know it will heal !!! Wishing you all the best!!!

  16. Goodness Bernie, what devastation! I'm very glad you and your husband stayed safe through it all. You've done a fantastic job of cleanup so far. Your hard work will be rewarded with a beautiful garden once more. I'm sure it's hard to patiently wait, but it will come! I hope and pray you have a peaceful autumn and winter...a quiet time for your beautiful garden to renew itself. Sending hugs. xox


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