
Monday, December 13, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... Early Summertime Downunder.

As the northern hemisphere heads into a cold, frosty Winter, down here we're racing towards a hot, sticky Summer.  December is the first month of our Summer and I thought I'd share some of the iconic aspects of early Summer here in my corner of the northern tropics of Australia.

(Just a little hint if you want to view these images in enlarged format ... simply click on the mosaic and when it opens in a new window, click on the magnifying glass ... you'll get a closer look at each shot!)
Going from top left:
... looking out at bright brilliant blue skies behind tall white-trunked Gums
... chilling out on the verandah when the cool breeze gently blows
... spotting the last of the Jacaranda flowers
... watching the gloomy rain clouds roll in over the hills
... finding a shady spot out in the courtyard
... noticing the bright red Hibiscus hanging from the pergola
... observing a mother Kookaburra feed her young
... listening to the loud Cicada chorus
... smelling the gorgeous fragrance of the Plumeria blooms
... enjoying a leisurely holiday lunch with friends out in the courtyard (complete with fans)!

... and last, but by no means least, enjoying the colours and textures of the plants out in the garden.

For more fantastic Mosaic Monday posts, make sure you go on over to Mary's blog Little Red House


  1. Well, it really does look like summer there, Bernie. I'm in the southwest in the USA and we're having a heat wave and so doesn't feel much like Christmas!

  2. How WONDERFUL...I'm imagining myself in the warmth with so much beauty around me. Hard to imagine at 0 degrees...but ENJOY....your luncheon looks so fun!

  3. Hi Bernie, we are having a blizzard here today with lots of blowing snow and temps down near zero tonight. What are we doing here? We should be in Austrailia.


  4. That does it. I'm moving north. Tropical plants just have it all over cooler climate ornamentals. Plus, I want to come to lunch:)

  5. You did it again! You turned my dismal snowy, windy Sunday into a warm moment of beauty! Thank you! Cathy

  6. Oh Bernie, how wonderful!!! It's so fabulous to see all your beautiful summer images! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)

  7. Oh, my! How wonderful! As it gets cooler here I can think of you and your beautiful garden!!!

  8. It's so amazing to see your Early Summer while we are having Early Winter. Beautiful there in the Tropics of AussieLand...great mosaics. And the luncheon table looked really really good!

  9. Lenore ... heat and Christmas are synonymous for us! But I do understand how it would be out of the ordinary for you, so I do hope it cools off very soon so it feels a lot more like Christmas.

    Pam ... believe me, there's a downside to all the warmth we're experiencing right now. It's bleeding hot actually!!!

    Eileen ... fly on down and we can warm you up pretty darn quickly, lol! Hope that snowstorm isn't too bad.

    Paul ... you're most welcome to join us for lunch. It's an experience sitting outside during the day right now, as you would be aware. That's why we need lots of pedestal fans out there!!! As for the tropical plants, yes they can be really quite stunning and they seem to come into their own at this time of year.

  10. Cathy ... I just wish I could share much more of our warmth and sunshine. Please take as much as you like, he he ... Please! We could do with a bit of your cool temperatures!

    Mary ... thanks for visiting and I'm only too happy to share our summertime.

    Snap ... it will only get warmer down here, so pop on over anytime if you wish to feel the heat!!!

    CollectIn Texas Girl ... I'm so glad you enjoyed a look at my summertime shots. The lunch was indeed delicious and great fun.

  11. Our December girlfriend events are always indoors so we don't freeze or drown. So lovely that yours can be in such a beautiful place.......

  12. It's so much fun to see a party where several guests are wearing paper crowns so we know that this is Christmas, yet the flowers are blooming and the fans are blowing. Beautiful mosiacs and may December be kind and not too hot!

  13. Meri ... when we want to enjoy a luncheon down here we just grin and bear it despite the heat sometimes. That was one of the more enjoyable luncheons I had with my co-workers to celebrate the end of the school year ... lots of fun!

    Vee ... yes we attempted to wear the paper crowns but the fans kept blowing them off! Still we couldn't have lunch out there without the fans! The ladies all wanted to eat out in the courtyard despite the fact that the air-con was on inside the house ... go figure!

  14. Beautiful mosaics! The gardens are lovely! And lunch looks like a grand time for all!

  15. Another beautiful moasaic of your gorgeous garden - what a glorious place to share with friends. While you are heading for a sticky tropical Christmas I think we are heading for a hot dry one! Have a wonderful Christmas Bernie.

  16. Dishesdone and Jill, thanks for stopping by. The garden is looking pretty good as we head into summer ... just hope it stays that way.

  17. Looks lovely. Can tell it´s a big different from here where it is snowy and cold. Your mosaic makes me long for summer.

  18. Beautiful garden scenes especially that lunch on the looooongggg table! Warm or not, you ladies are having a ball of a time Down Under!

  19. Bernie, Your mosaics are wonderful --it's good to see a glimpse of the other side of the world ... and the summer weather we are tired of right now--but we'll be happy to see it again after a cold winter!

  20. I feel warmer just looking at your gorgeous plants and the views around your home. It looks lovely Bernie.

  21. Happy Summer, Bernie! I love these warm, summery, flowery photos. How I would just die to have a garden lunch and view jacaranda from a veranda today!

  22. Bernie, I'm enjoying your post as I watch the snow come down this morning in Virginia. I think we should do a house swap!
    I'm interested in the chair on your veranda and would like to know what the things sticking out the front are used for.
    Happy Dec. Thanks for visiting me.

  23. Very Pretty! Great photos. Looks like an enjoyable time and good food - thanks for sharing. Wish I could send some of this cold elsewhere. :)

  24. Gorgeous mosaics and wonderful to see.

  25. Well you have done a excellent job up there in the north, loved the mosaic and being surrounded by all that beauty. Loved the guest enjoying there lunch and what a nice spot to enjoy it with fans and all. Thankyou for the tour it was most pleasing!!!!


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