
Friday, December 10, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - Summer has begun.

It's the beginning of Summer here in Oz.  Now before you get too excited about that prospect ... let me tell you something about Summer in my north-eastern part of Oz.  It can best be described as stinking hot and excruciatingly sticky!

We all sweat like a turkey at Christmas!  Even the Christmas Beetles like to take a refreshing dip ... here's one left in the sink after I had pulled the plug and taken away it's swimming pool.  It was having a great time doing a few laps!

Looking at the 7-day forecast now ... yes, I will be getting to the flowers!

 (Google image ... not really me! ... although ...!)

Summary Fri
Dec 10
Dec 11
Dec 12
Dec 13
Dec 14
Dec 15
Dec 16
possible shower
Possible shower
possible shower
Possible shower
showers increasing
Showers increasing
possible thunderstorm
Possible thunderstorm
possible thunderstorm
Possible thunderstorm
late shower
Late shower
Maximum 31°C 31°C 30°C 30°C 31°C 31°C 30°C
Minimum 25°C 25°C 25°C 25°C 26°C 26°C 25°C
Chance of Rain 90% 90% 90% 60% 90% 70% 40%
Rain Amount 1-5mm 10-20mm 20-40mm 10-20mm 5-10mm 1-5mm 5-10mm
UV Index Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme
             72% 74%    78% 76%      82% 82%     82% 79%       80% 85%         85% 87%      84% 85%

First, let's just take a look at the bottom row of the forecast for the next week.  Take particular notice of the levels of humidity we experience here ... even though the mercury may only reach 31 deg C or 87 F (as it is right now), it actually feels more like 36 deg C or 95 F.  Take further note of the humidity levels at nightime ... they stay pretty darn much the same, sometimes higher!  There's really not much relief from the conditions at all.

Now let's move onto the UV index - this shows the level of ultra-violet radiation experienced at ground level.  You might notice it's reading EXTREME - that means stay out of the sun dummy!  This is the highest level on the index ... it's the level where we are at extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure.
OK, back to the flowers!  Can you imagine what it's like for the plants out there?  The ground is baking, the sun is sizzling and the air is boiling ... it's a wonder anything flourishes!  But that's the absolute beauty of Mother Nature ... there are plants to suit almost any climate and weather conditions.

So here is what is blooming in early Summer in this hot, humid spot on the planet.  Enjoy the slideshow.

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For other great Flower Flaunt/Fertizier Friday, please visit Tootsie's blog and look for her meme Fertilizer/Flaunt Your Flowers Friday


  1. Hi Bernie
    Don’t know what’s worse being to hot or to cold. What extremes of weather we have at the moment. As for the slide show gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

  2. What another wonderful little slideshow of your lovely bloomers. I'm always amazed to see quite a few that I also grow in my gardens, but see plenty more I'd love to add.

    Enjoy all that beauty that surrounds you, in spite of the heat and humidity. Hope you are able to keep cool indoors.


  3. I know how you must feel just based on our summer, but you know once it is over you forget how bad it was. It is hard to enjoy yourself in that intense heat.


  4. Oh, the poincianas! And the daylilies! I miss summer so much, even the heat and humidity. We are thankful for swimming pools and live oak trees, though.

  5. Summer in North Queensland - you've captured it so well. Thank goodness for air-con hey?

  6. Sue ... we're both probably spending an awful lot of time indoors at the moment whether it be because of the cold or the heat!

    Flowerlady ... I'm definitely keeping cool inside right now. The air-con is running overtime at the moment.

    Hi Eileen ... I know I shouldn't complain as we've had such comfortable temps for such a long time this year!!! Still I'm a wimp when it comes to the heat.

    Aaron ... I'm so glad the summer temps only last for around 3 months! It is exhausting during that time though.

    Floridagirl ... I'm thankful for the large verandah and the air-con when there's no breeze on the verandah.

    Missy ... couldn't do without the air-con now although I managed to survive my childhood into early adulthood without it! I'm just getting old and grumpy now.

  7. Bernie, your slideshow was a welcome sight for my sore eyes...we are in the midst of a blizzard here and the temps are expected to drop to below zero tonight with a crazy 30-40 mph wind driving the snow. But, as odd as it sounds, I prefer the cold to the high heat and humidity you are enduring right now. Maybe we could send each other a little heat and a little cold and we'd both be happy? You have such a gorgeous garden!

  8. Can I send you some puffs of our cold weather? No snow but that wouldn't help your flowers anyway.

    Nice stopping by to visit with you!

  9. I will enjoy your blog during our winter. I sympathize with you over the heat and humidity, but our forecast is for single digit temps, lake effect snow storms, freezing rain...I'm not sure which is worse. I think I'd rather have the heat - you don't have to shovel it.

  10. Yes the humidity is the killer, especially at night trying to sleep.

    I have little or no idea what half of the plants were in the slideshow, but I loved every one of them.

  11. Karen ... a little exchange between friends would be most welcome. It's an absolute stinker here today ... I've planted myself in the air-conditioned office and that's where I'll be for most of the day, lol!

    LDH ... puffs would be most welcome! The snow wouldn't survive a second right now anyway!

    Bonnie ... the grass is always greener, isn't it? I couldn't survive your temps and conditions ... I'd freeze! That doesn't however translate into full appreciation of the heat and humidity here, though!!! Don't be mistaken!

    Paul ... you're so right! It's the humidity that is an absolute killer ... it just sucks the life right out of you on a day like today! Glad you enjoyed the slideshow ... I will label the photos next time, lol!

  12. Bernie girl !
    My goodness this is one fantastic blog yo have created here : )
    I have so many comments to make I have to funnel some through just to make sense ? wink wink
    I can't imagine living through those temps and humidity .. and we do get summers that can be extreme with humidity .. a lot of non Canadians don't get that about parts of our big country .. but I can tell you .. it HAPPENS here in Ontario! .. Your plants are so exotic and beautiful .. I think I would be truly over whelmed caring for them ? LOL .. I need my almost tough as old boots kind to stick with me!
    I have to pick you up for my blog roll girl .. I think you may well have a perfect sense of humour too ? ;-)

  13. Você retratou bem o verão que faz aí! Aqui no Brazil também estamos entrando no verão e tivemos dias de muito calor, de ficarmos suados como você disse na sua postagem. Agora estamos passando por uma frente fria, que veio nos aliviar um pouco! Parabéns pela postagem. Muito esclarecedora.


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