
Monday, October 4, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... All Colours of the Rainbow

It's mid-Spring Downunder ... and I'm reminded of that age-old song I've often taught my young students "I Can Sing A Rainbow".  You might know it ... it goes something like: Red and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue.  Well, at the moment, all these colours are appearing as the flowers open up.

At last I've sighted some blooms on my precious Jacaranda.  I've always, always wanted a Jacaranda tree in my garden and when we first came to see this property I almost jumped for joy upon sighting one at the end of the driveway.  The tree is still young ... and not in the most fertile spot on the property, so its' display is not all that breathtaking as I know they can be!!!  But I still love this tree with its' magnificent purple-blue blooms.

The Hemerocallis is also starting to bloom now.  Here's 'Archangel Eyes' ... the pale peach bloom with the pink centre and 'Velvet Eyes' ... the rich orangey-red bloom.

Another of the fabulous mid-Spring bloomers are the Asiatic Lilies ... such great colours.  My favourite is that deep maroon of 'Dimension', but the bright yellow of 'Dazzle' really does light up a dreary corner of the garden and I just can't resist the allure of the soft pastel pink of 'Vermeer'.

Right ... I think that's covered most of the colours in the song.  Oh ... hang on ... green!  Well there's always lots of green around here.  Green ... green ... green!  This is why I love my pots and pots of colours ... other than green!

Now for more terrific Mosaic Monday posts, please visit Mary at Little Red House


  1. Bernie,
    I love Jacaranda trees - wish I had room for one, and thanks for sharing more Asiatic lily photos!

  2. Bernie, the plantings look magical. I have just ordered some lilies and daylilies. It seems like such a long time until I will see them - enjoying yours.


  3. I remember that song and you have covered all the colours with beautiful photos. Lovely mosaics. Take care and have a great week.

  4. The jacarandas are looking good up here too. The flame trees won't be far behind. I never thought that mauve and scarlet could look good together, but side by side with a hint of green, they're stunning.

  5. Beautiful...It would be wonderful to visit your glorious garden! Cathy

  6. Beautiful flowers, I love the jacaranda and the gorgeous lilies.

  7. I love your lillies. They are not something I've ever thought of growing but after seeing yours I want to. They have such rich colours and obviously can take the warm weather.

  8. Love your rainbow of colors, Bernie! You are so lucky to be visited by your daylilies. Mine are done blooming for the year. And a Jacaranda in bloom! Woohoo! You guys are truly opposite, as ours bloomed six months ago. Love that strangely unnatural purple-blooming tree! Is there anything else like it in the world? My little sis just planted one at her new house this past spring.

  9. Jacaranda tree is beautiful! Thanks for introducing this precious tree of yours. The purple-blueish blooms looks like bells... so pretty. I hope this little tree will grow well and big and produce many blooms for you.

    Love your palms. And your gorgeous lilies, you do have all the colours in the rainbow. Enjoy your colourful garden!

  10. I know that song, so cute, we sang it in the Nursery School I worked in, the kids loved it! You captured it perfectly with your flowers. So pretty!

  11. Mosaic Mondays, one of my favorite days. Love the beautiful color.

  12. Thank you one and all for your gracious comments.

    Missy ... the Hemerocallis (Daylilies) seem to be thriving in our conditions. I've had no trouble with them at all. Have to say the same for the Asiatics so far as well ... and the Orientals. None of them are out in the full sun for the whole day ... but they don't seem to mind some!

    Floridagirl ... no they is absolutely nothing like the Jacaranda tree. Mature trees covered in blooms are just stunning!!

  13. Beautiful mosaics , wonderful colours! Jackie, Surrey UK

  14. Hi Bernie ~ love your Jacaranda tree and your rainbow colours are stunning, even the greens :0)


  15. Hiya Bernie,

    You know how to make a girl jealous, don't you?
    As if rain and gales, and everything colourful now lying in the gutter over here in the UK, isn't enough.
    four beautifully grouped mosaics of so many colours. I find the blue one most appealing.

  16. You are certainly surrounded by beauty...that Jacaranda tree is gorgeous...I would love to see one in person...sign...none here in Tennessee!!! Gorgeous photos and mosaics!!!

  17. I also love Jacarandas. They dot the landscape about an hour east of us, near the coast, where the climate is a little milder. Yet, when we moved to our house, eight years ago, we also found one living in the back of our property. It is overshadowed in part by large oaks, so it doesn't grow straight but bends for better light. In doing so, it leans over the chicken coop, so it almost looks like it's there to give the chickens much needed shade in the summer. It was a fairly new planting when we first moved here, and only last year did it begin to bloom noticeably. As far as the soil goes, it's in a good spot, by the chicken coop, so it has a nice source of chicken manure...

    Nice mosaics!


  18. What an eyecatcher with its tender color the first mosaic is!

  19. Beautiful daylilies and lilies! But I especially love the jacaranda. I would love to be able to grow such a beautiful thing!

  20. Hi Bernie. Your mosaics are so pretty. It is so good to be able to see beautiful lilies again. I wish they were in my garden but looking at your lovelies will do also.

  21. Your flower and palms collages are really lovely. I like the purple one the most.

  22. hi Bernie, Jacaranda is one of the most beautiful i saw in NSW, unfortunately i was not able to get a seed, but i really desired it long ago. The photos are lovely and vivid, i am so envious also of the collages, that i promise i will study doing them too.

  23. Love your photos, Bernie. Now if I ever get to your city again I must invite myself for a stroll around your lovely That 'Dimension' daylily is my favourite too, although each one has its own special beauty.

    We have Jacarandas growing in pots on the deck (grown from seed gathered down at the coast), but they haven't flowered yet, and probably won't unless I plant them out. Even then, survival may be problematic with our frosts.

    I hope you enjoyed your holidays.

  24. Oh what a wonderful collection of mosaics! I have never seen a jacaranda -- we get quite a lot of frosts here in my area -- but I can see how beautiful it is! Thanks for sharing at MM. :)


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