
Friday, October 1, 2010

A Hot, Loud and Proud Flower Flaunt on Friday - mid-Spring Downunder.

It's first day of October and that's our middle month of Spring.   There's a clear bright blue sky today...
...  and the Lilies have started to appear in my garden.  So I'm joining Tootsie's Flaunt Your Flowers meme and Noels' Hot, Loud and Proud meme.

The first of the Asiatic lilies (Lillium x hybrida) - Matisse Collection has opened.  This is 'Dimension' with its stunning deep maroon flowers ... supposedly a Summer bloomer but it's getting a head start this year.  Maybe it's the atypical rain we've been having!!
This beauty really does offer such a brilliant contrast to all the green foliage in my Greenhouse/Shadehouse Garden.

Another lovely Asiatic Lily that has opened up just yesterday is the gorgeous 'Vermeer'.

'Dazzle' opened up a few days ago and it catches everyone's eye.

Another dazzling thing that has happened in my garden this week is the emergence of more blooms on my African Tulip Tree - Spathodea campanulata.  I have never seen it flower twice in the same year before ... I'm putting this one down to the strange weather we've had this year as well.

The Angelonias are in full bloom once more ... I just adore the white variety.

All of my New Guinea Impatiens are in full bloom right now as well ...

... and it's great to see Caladium flowers again.

There's some great foliage colour in my Greenhouse/Shadehouse Garden at the moment, so I thought I would end off with a little glimpse into the tropical jungle out there.

 For other great Flaunt Your Flowers/Fertiliser Friday posts, go over to visit Tootsie's meme:
Flaunt Your Flowers...

... and then have a look at lots of colourful posts on Noel's meme: Hot, Loud and Proud


  1. Happy Friday to you, my friend.....thank goodness the weekend is almost here. This last week seemed like the longest of my old life. Thank heavens it is almost over. I cannot get used to your seasons being different from we are going into fall and winter and bringing in the plants to get them out of the cold, and yours are all blooming so beautifully. Your flowers are just so beautiful, and you have such a talent for photographing them. Have a nice weekend....see you very soon.


    PS...I LOVE caladium flowers

  2. I really like the purple asiatic lily and if I ever see one of those myself I'll be sure to get one! Its more exotic looking than other ones I've seen and somehow more understated too.

  3. Oh Bernie, Your flowers are a reminder of what we have to look forward to next summer. Thank you and take care.

  4. Stunning flowers! As ours wane, yours are glorious! Happy Spring :)

  5. Such a nice reminder of lilies past and lilies yet to come here in the northern hemisphere! L

  6. Your flowers are so stunning. You garden looks like a paradise...Christine

  7. Wow what a fabulous range of colour in your garden truly brightened a dull rainy morning here in Hampshire. I adore the maroon Lily it gorgeous. I am seriously considering them for next spring. Well as it’s raining hard I think I just might have to spend the day in the greenhouse planting seeds instead! Have a great weekend

  8. Beautiful blooms. My cousin brought me some Asiatic lily bulbs from the U.S, but they all died.

  9. Bernie, your lilies are beautiful, especially that dark wine color. I know you get very hot, but you must love have flowers year round.


  10. How gorgeous! It still strikes me as so wonderfully odd that on the other side of the world, you're only just coming into your growing season. Thanks for visiting me. Beautiful blooms.

  11. I just became a follower Bernie cause if I can't garden in my own backyard over the winter I can enjoy yours. Beautiful blooms.

  12. Gosh you have a stunning view! Lovely hot blooms in your garden! Happy October! ;>)

  13. Genie ... it sounds like you've had a hard week so put your feet up and relax this weekend. Unfortunately for me the weekend is the end of our Semester holiday and it's back to work next week. Less time in the garden again!

    Rainforest Gardener ... the dark maroon lily is definitely my favourite. It's such a rich colour and a great contrast for all the green.

    Garden of Threads ... my garden will be winding up soon as the Summer approaches! It's the exact opposite of the gardening cycle over there.

    Thanks Joey ... it's been lovely weather in the last couple of days and the garden is soaking up the sunshine!

    LC ... glad to show my blooms and help revive memories of your garden in flower.

    Christine ... thanks for your very gracious comment.

  14. Sue ... only too happy to brighten you day. You must try the Asiatic lilies ... I'd love to see how they go for you.

    Lotusleaf ... so sorry to hear your Asiatic lilies didn't survive. They have such lovely flowers.

    Eileen ... yes it's true! I do love to have flowers all year round ... it's something we take for granted here.

    Thanks Darla and Sandy.

    Gardening in a Sandbox ... I hope I have some great shots to share while you're in the depths of Winter over there. It's so lovely to have you as a follower.

    Carol ... I do have a few patches of hot colours here and there. Somehow I just can't do without them ... even though I so love the pastel colours as well.

  15. Bleh...I keep losing my comment to your blog...


    Asiatic lilies are such a strange sight to see in a tropical garden, but--wow!--I love that deep, deep red! So unusual and perfect for this meme. As for the caladium bloom, it is beautiful. It'll be a long time before I see one of those in my garden again...hmmm...probably next March.

  16. aloha,

    wow dimension is a knockout! its sweet to see your tulip tree, in hawaii these are so invasive that whole canyon gulches are filled with the orange flowers of these beautiful tree, really gorgeous :)

  17. How lovely! I especially enjoyed the African Tulip Tree as we've always enjoyed a different Tulip Tree here in the US and my senior mom has toyed with adding it to her gardening projects. It was interesting to see yours as well. :)

  18. Floridagirl ... I just had to give the Asiatics a try and they've come up trumps! I adore the deep maroon one ... it's one that I would definitely want more of!

    Aaron ... the dark lily is my favourite too! The New Guinea Impatiens is one of the easiest to grow in the conditions here ... they never let me down.

    Noel ... yes the Spathodea is classed as a weed here too but luckily they don't seem to pop up in the bush environment around here. They can't find a spot because of all the wild Lantana and Chonky Apple Bushes!!!

    Kaye ... the Spathodea is a common plant in gardens here and is now considered a weed in many parts of our state. It is rather spectacular when it flowers.

  19. What a beautiful lily 'Dimension' is! I have never seen a lily so dark in color. It is so wonderful to tour your garden as it comes into it's fullness as mine here is winding down to the end. The angelonia is beautiful, too, along with everything else. Thank you!

  20. As our summer winds down, your flowers are a most welcome sight. Your garden looks so lush. As we're still waiting for rain, the predominant color in our garden at the moment, is brown.


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