
Friday, July 9, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - start of mid-winter in Oz.

I've had a few days break from blogging ... I've been enjoying time with my grandchildren ... oh and my children!  They always complain my visits are never about them!!!  Anyway, I've made it back just in time for another Flower Flaunt.  To see many other great Friday Flower Flaunt posts, make sure you visit Tootsie's
Fertiliser Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers
Right now it's the start of our mid-winter month - yes it really is Winter in July here - and this is the time of year that both my Tabebuia impetiginosa and Bauhinia variegata are beginning to bloom.  They will both lose most of their leaves as the Winter progresses and be left with bare branches covered in fabulous blooms.

Here's the Tabebuia impetiginosa ... the Dwarf Pink Trumpet Tree ...
... and the Bauhinia variegata 'Alba'.
There's now a lot of petunias making an appearance ....
and so many of the potted plants are in bloom .... such as Pelargonium 'Emotion', Azalea, double Impatiens, Verbena, and Violas.  My little Bromeliad has bloomed too ... sorry I'm not that good with the names of Broms!

Others in bloom include Bractenatha bracteata - Everlasting of Straw Daisies, Scutellaria suffrutescens - Pink Texas Skullcap,  Ivy-leaved Pelargoniums, Angelonia and Dahlia.

Then there is of course my fabulous Winter bloomers ... Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettias.

 Finally, there is my stunning Euphorbia leucocephala - the Snowflake Bush.  I simply love the splash of white this adds to my Courtyard Garden at this time of year.


  1. Hi Bernie ,
    Some fabulous blooms I especially love the Euphorbia leucocephala and the Pink Texas Skullcap. Both very pretty. My garden has been invaded by blackfly :0( not so good
    Hope you had a great time with your boys and the little ones. Still no baby yet, any day now. Hope it’s soon as it’s very hot ... for us that is, up to 31C today.
    Have a great weekend

  2. Your flowering trees are fabulous! Love the poinsettias too. It's hard to believe it's wintertime in Australia. Our winters are nothing like yours and I'm in envy!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  3. Everything is so beautiful-enjoy!

  4. I always find it so interesting that it's winter down where you are when it's summer here. I didn't know that till I was an adult lol!

    You have such beautiful flowers. My new favourite petunias are the double flowering ones. I have been seeing them a lot this year!

  5. Just Lovely Bernie. I wish our winter was like this!


  6. Thanks Lotusleaf and Aaron for your kind comments.

  7. Hi Sue ... still no baby huh? I was wondering whether the little one had arrived. I certainly did enjoy my time down in Brisbane ... it's amazing how quickly my precious grandchildren grow up!!! It's also wonderful to see their personalities developing ... they're all quite different!

    31 deg C is hot ... even here! Sounds like you're having one doozy of a summer over there. Sorry to hear about those blackflies ... I'm having trouble with spiders out in the courtyard at the moment! Never boring!

  8. Hi Beth and thanks for your lovely comments. While the Winters here are something to envy ... you're lucky you don't have to experience the Summers! They are just horrid!

    Thanks Happier Than A Pig In Mud ... can I just call you Pig? Lol! I certainly do enjoy the colour at this time of year.

    Kyna ... don't worry, I had never really given much thought to just what season is being experienced in other parts of the world until I joined the internet gardening community last year! Then I had to continually think about just what season the various gardeners were talking about!! It can get confusing at times.

  9. Thanks Diane and Eileen ... I'm glad you enjoyed the flowers showing off their blooms right now. I can't wait for all the potted plants to really fill out.

  10. Such gorgeous blooms! I love this aspect of reading garden blogs - seeing how different things are in other parts of the world as the seasons pass.

  11. Wow, when I post winter pics of my garden, it is so you can see little twigs peeking out from under the snow.

    I would love to have that much color in my garden, no matter what time of the year.

  12. Wow - looks beautiful! The close up of the poinsettia is amazing.

  13. Thank you Ginny ... I have to agree with you. That's also what I so love about reading blogs from gardeners all over the world ... it's so interesting to find out all the differences and the similarities.

    Troy ... yes we are lucky to be able to have year-round colour in our gardens here. Thanks for visiting and leaving your lovely comment.

    Hi Maureen ... that close-up of the Poinsettias show those tiny little flowers at the centre of the bracts. I find them absolutely amazing!

  14. Wow! They are so pretty...I love the double changes the way the bloom looks, doesn't it? Love poinsettias, but we never see them in the ground here.

  15. Beautiful flowers Bernie... especially the trumpet tree which is a new for me!
    By the way, I got my delphinium seeds from New Zealand and have high hopes for them, although I have been somewhat discourage with the 500 purchased in the states which never germinated... nay, not one! Again ... an excellent post! Larry

  16. Appreciate your kind comments Erin and Larry.

    Erin ... I've only just started growing petunias again and I'm also a big fan of the doubles. So many lovely colours!

    Larry ... what a dreadful shame about those delph seeds. Hopefully the imports will fare a whole lot better for you ... I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  17. G'Day, I found your blog via facebook. Pleased I did, will bookmark you. My blog is not as fancy as yours but have a read if you wish. I was pleased to find your blog and lots of new Aussie links on it.

  18. Hi Bernie, I looked for a direct email and could not find one...

    I wanted to let you know your post was
    so beautiful that it is featured on
    WebGarden today. Our readers enjoy
    getting ideas and inspiration. I hope
    many will follow your blog after visiting.
    Thanks for sharing your gardening talents!
    ~Brooke (CreativeCountryMom)
    Here is the link to see your post....

  19. MY WORD BERNIE!!! your winter is more beautiful than our summer!!! I think I might be a tad envious!!! is strange that when we are mid are mid winter...and our winters are cold and filled with ice, dreary skies and snow...yours are fantastic!
    ya...I am just jealous!!!
    thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden with me and the others today...I hope you will again between visits with the grands that is!

  20. Just love your beautiful garden.

    Do hope you will join me at We Can Wednesday my new meme beginning this Wednesday.

  21. Wow Bernie, your garden looks incredible!! I am in awe of your flowering trees and was pleasantly surprised to see a star petunia, blue star is my absolute favorite annual, and I grow some every year.

  22. WoW Bernie I'm jealous too. I've always wanted to live somewhere that I could have wonderful gardening weather year round. Your collection of plants is gorgeous.

  23. You take some great plant and flower photos, Bernie. Well done.

  24. Appreciate all your comments ... thanks everyone.

    Linda May ... I'm so glad to see you pop by and I will be visiting your blog very soon!

    Brooks ... thanks so very much. An unexpected gesture I have to say ... I'm so pleased to be part of such a fabulous Facebook page. It's one of the very few worthwhile pages out there.

    Tootsie ... thanks for your kind comments. It's a great pleasure to be part of your meme ... such a fantastic idea and we all get to see so many wonderful flowers because of you. Yes, you can be jealous of our Winters ... but the Summers are another entirely different story!!!

    Greenearth ... I've just checked out your idea for a new meme ... fabulous stuff. I would love to be part of it, so I'll be visiting your blog again soon.

    Rebecca ... petunias are now a staple in my garden. I couldn't do without them during our Autumn through to Summer ... so much colour!

    Raingardener ... yes you're right ... we are so lucky to be able to have year-round colour. This, however, is the best time for annuals here ... during the Winter and into the Spring.

    Thanks, Bill. Glad to see you popped in ... I do so love my annual flowers.

  25. HI. These flowers are really new to me. I mean, they are definitely new to my eyes. I would love to have some planted on my garden. By the way, the background music is really relaxing. I love it!

  26. Fabulous flowers! It’s my first time to see flowers such as like these. I love the Bractenatha bracteata so gorgeous in your photo. You’re a good gardener! I really like to have a garden like yours.


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