
Monday, June 28, 2010

Dining in the Courtyard Garden.

The Courtyard Garden is my favourite spot in the garden ... it's where I expend most of my gardening energies and it's the spot that is lavished with most of my attention ... although it's not lavished with heaps and heaps of money!   In my efforts to add lots and lots of colour to this space, I've ended up with a whole lot of inexpensive containers filled with lots of annuals and colourful plants like Cordylines.  Right now the annuals are coming into bloom and it's beginning to look quite lovely as our Winter marches on.

While I so love the Courtyard Garden during the day, it's at night that I absolutely revel in the surroundings.  We enjoy many evening meals out there or sometimes just drinks and nibblies.  Last night was our first Winter's dinner evening spent with family and I thought I'd share some photos taken while I was setting up.  As you can see there's nothing extravagant or sophisticated about the table setting ... it's more the homely and unpretentious touch!  Bit like me really!

I like to scatter little candles around the courtyard to light up the lovely flowers.   I plan on getting tall candle holders ... they're on my never-ending list of things to buy one day.

As the evening draws in, it's time to light the candles.

What was on the menu last night?  Well it was a rather cool Winter's evening ... gosh the temperature got down to chilly 17 degrees C / 62 degrees F!  Oh yeah ... time for the warm winter comfort food ....
Beef and Guinness Pie with mashed potatoes, string beans and corn ... and a few glasses of a fabulous red!

Followed by Sticky Date Pudding with Caramel Sauce and Vanilla Ice-cream ... then coffee/tea and chocolates.  Oh ... and a glass of Bailey's Irish Cream Liquor.  

Luckily we have enough beds for our guests to sleep over ... it's a long drive back into the city!!!


  1. Truly cant beat dining out doors on a warm evening, something that unfortunately isn't often possible here in Ireland!

  2. Found you on Gatsby Gardens.

    Your courtyard with the candles and potted plants is enchanting; love all the brick.

  3. Wow, Stone Art ... I think you'd have to win the prize for the fastest ever comment posted on one of my blog posts!!! Maybe the prize should be an invitation to dinner out in the courtyard the next time you're in the neighbourhood!

  4. G'day Rosey ... nice of you to pop by and thanks for your kind comment. Yours was another very fast comment ... second prize might have to be the drinks and nibblies out in the courtyard whenever you're passing!

  5. From a part of our wide brown land that had a slightly chillier -2 last night I am again green with envy - this time at the thought of being able to sit outdoors and enjoy the garden of a winter's evening! That courtyard and setting, not to mention all the lovely plants look very inviting to me :)

  6. Hi Heidi ... woah! minus 2 degrees is not something I've had a lot of experience with. Hope you've got the heated blanket on high and/or a fire raging! We spend a lot of time out in the courtyard garden over the winter ... and the summer, but it's so delightful out in the crisp fresh air of a winter's evening. Any time you're up this way ... do drop in!

  7. Oh I was just sitting here waiting in eager anticipation of your next blog post, what's it been like three days ;) Look forward to picking up my prize, might be awhile before im back down in your neck of the woods again though!

  8. What a lovely setting for dinner and in winter. We have stopped our balcony breakfasts now...too chilly. Love your courtyard at night and I can't believe snap dragons would grow so far north. Your menu makes my mouth water.

  9. What a beautiful courtyard you have made! It looks so inviting!

  10. Stone Art ... cheeky ... somehow I can't imagine you're just hanging around for another post from me! You'll be pleased to know I'm taking a break ... off to see my gorgeous grandkids down in the colder part of Queensland. I'll have to get out the winter woollies at last!

  11. Diane ... I'm heading down your way on Wednesday. I'll have to rummage around in the cupboard for my jumpers and winter pj's! They don't get to see the light of day very often up here.

    Yes ... snapdragons do well ... it's the sweet peas that don't ... but I'm still having another go at them this year. Fingers crossed!

  12. Meredehuit ... thanks for visiting. The courtyard is still a work in progress ... but I certainly do enjoy spending time out there.

  13. The courtyard is wonderful... especially at night!! Larry

  14. Beautiful setting Bernie, wish I was there! Great food, great setting, great drinks, what more could we want?


  15. Your courtyard is beautiful - what a lovely setting with the candlelight. I would eat outdoors every evening if the weather permitted!

  16. What a beautiful courtyard you have Bernie with all of the plantings. The candles adds such a wonderful glow to it at night. It is hard to look at all of those plantings and think it is winter. LOL! Since I live in the snowy winter north I have a one track mind.
    Your date pudding looks so yummy and too pretty to eat.

  17. Wow, cannot eat outdoors here because of all the horrible mosquitoes and bugs ( plus it has been in the high 90's for weeks ). Your terrace eatery looks like a dream to me. I would love it daily !! wonderful , Gina

  18. Hi Bernie
    The courtyard garden looks gorgeous by candlelight. Dinner looked equally scrumptious!
    Have a lovely time with the little ones.

  19. Thanks Larry, Eileen, Ginny, Lona, Gina and Sue.

    Gina ... eating outdoors during our summer is not always that pleasant as we get the mosquitoes and fantastic insects, as well as the hot, hot temps and high humidity! That's the time to retreat indoors and switch on the air-conditioning.

    Sue ... well definitely enjoy my week with the little ones ... and of course, my two big ones. My sons get a little miffed when I don't pay them equal attention ... poor babies!!!

  20. Bernie, your beef and guinness pie sounds great and looks so scrumptious. It looks just like the pastry my grandmother would make, even the leaves, for her steak and kidney pies. Your courtyard looks lovely at night. I agree, when we eat outside, which is often this time of year, all you really need is a few candles, and a good bottle of red. The garden takes care of the rest (and the cook of course!).

  21. What a beautiful courtyard! It looks like Diwali, the Indian festival of light in the night.

  22. Not only can you arrange a lovely courtyard garden, but you can cook too! Everything looked fantastic, like a fairy garden with the twinkle light candles. Put some picture hag some of the little candles from the trees. I think that this is an old idea from Martha Stewart. You are right about not spending too much money, your creativity has eclipsed the need for tall candle holders.

  23. I just love your courtyard! It has such a cozy and tropical feel to it. The food sounds delicious.
    I guess it's pretty sad that our summer weather is the same as your winter weather. It's 63 degrees here today :(

  24. Bernie,your garden looks gorgeous...could we all come over and have dinner with you?

  25. Your garden is beautiful and the food looks delicious too. I'm very happy to have found your blog and will be stopping by again soon.

  26. Dining outside in mid-winter ... imaging that!!

  27. Your garden looks extravagant when you lighted the candles. Table settings seems to be simple but beautiful. There is no problem if the area is simple or extravagant as long as everything is organized. The activity will be a memorable one.

  28. Bernie your courtyard looks so inviting with all those candles but your menu is even more with that mouthwatering stickie pudding.... delicious.


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