
Monday, June 7, 2010

Mosaic Monday - A Stroll Through The Parklands.

It's been a while since I participated in Mosaic Monday meme ... but I've been thinking about something for the last couple of weeks now and I thought I'd share it with you.  Of course, it's got something to do with flowers and gardens!

In three weeks time, it's our mid-year break from school ... listen carefully, you can hear teachers all over Queensland sighing with relief!  Two terms of teaching over, Semester 1 reports finished, Parent-Teacher interviews completed ... and a two-week break!!!!  Of course, most teachers are back to school in that last week of holidays busily preparing for the next two terms.

For me, it's time to fly down and visit the grandchildren ... oh, and of course, my children!!!  (They always accuse me of thinking of them last!)  Whenever I visit my precious ones, I always try to visit the 16-hectare oasis in the middle of our state's capital city ... the Roma Street Parklands.  It's a breath of fresh air and I can literally spend hours strolling around the wonderful gardens.

So ... here's a quick glimpse of the Parklands from this time last year ... and I'll probably be sharing more photos taken when I get back there very, very soon.

 The Water Feature Garden:
 The Canal Gardens:
 The Spectacle Garden:
 The Walkways:

For other great Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House.


  1. What a great place. That's the kind of place I would love to get lost in. Gorgeous mosaics!

  2. I love the water features. It looks very peaceful here. I have decided Roma Street Park is going on my list of places to visit. I had better start saving.

  3. Oh Bernie, Those are fantastic mosaic. The gardens are wonderful. You enjoy your visit with the grands.

  4. It's so hard for me to believe that it's winter there. :) Have a great time on your mid-year break!

  5. Wow your mosaics are beautiful! Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures!

  6. Your parks are so beautiful.....even in the middle of winter! Amazing!

  7. Oh but those gardens are totally amazing especially the water garden. Have fun with the grands.

  8. I can see why you long to visit there. It really looks amazing. Valerie

  9. Hi, Wowww...very awesome mosaics! Thanks so much for sharing all of this wonderful beauty! I hope that you have a lovely new week!

  10. oh wow. That is so beautiful!
    Kids are supposed to say grandparents put grandkids first. It's tradition. I don't think they would really have it any other way.
    Have a great time.
    Great mosaics

  11. They are great gardens. Enjoy your visit and your grand children (and children)

  12. I linked your blog to mine under enchanting blogs, and signed up as one of your followers. Cheers Lori


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