
Friday, June 4, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday.

Our fabulous Winter has begun!  The nights are getting cool and the mornings are quite crisp!  We've even had a couple of overnight temps. that got down to 12 deg C (53 deg F).  It's a great time for gardening as I can get out into the garden at almost any hour of the day, if I possibly can!  No longer have to wait for the sun to dip behind the hills in the late afternoon ... or get up early to garden before the sun climbs too high in the sky!

So let's have a look at what's flowering this week in my garden.  The beautiful Mussaenda philippica is almost covered in blooms....

 My Spathodea campanulata - African Tulip Tree - is now showing quite a few more flowers.
 My two favourite Ixoras are in full bloom.
 My new Poinsettia is just now showing its lovely red bracts .... and my new red Salvia is also blooming.
I just love the splash of hot colour these Zinnias are adding to the Courtyard Garden.
I also really love this combination of Jacobinia and Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' ... it provides a dash of brilliant white out in the Courtyard Garden.
 My lovely purple Anthurium is showing its bloom.
Meanwhile the Calliandra Haematocephala(Red Powder Puff) is covered in its raspberry-like buds which open up to reveal the dramatic red powder puff flowers.

My oldest and dearest Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is showing its magnificent flowers again ...
and one of the features I love the most is the back view of the flowers ... with it's white patches!
I've almost finished the pots for the Courtyard Garden ... I'm so looking forward to the annuals' display this year!
Now to finish ... while they're not flowering in my garden, there are still Acacias in full bloom dotted throughout the bushland surrounding my property.  Here's one that caught the late afternoon sun's rays and lit up like a lamp!!!

 For many more great Flower Flaunt posts, make sure you visit Tootsie at Fertiliser Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Your flowers are looking bright and cheerful! I have the same flowers, but the monsoon rains are playing havoc with them :-(

  2. Hi Bernie, Lovely flowers! I love the way the Calliandra Haematocephala buds open. It's amazing how much is tucked inside those little buds. Your Zinnias look good to nice colours.My Granddaughter is staying this week so we are of to The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens today then tea on the beach later. Enjoy your day!

  3. Well, you have a wonderful show here. I love all of the containers!

  4. Beautiful garden, I love the courtyard garden. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Lotusleaf ... thanks for your comment. I do hope your don't have too much damage from the monsoonal rain.

    Sue ... those little Calliandra buds virtually explode, don't they? Sounds like you've got a lovely day planned. Enjoy!

    Darla ... glad you could pop by! The containers are a fabulous way of adding seasonal colour in amongst all that green.

    Sandy ... thanks for your lovely comments. The Courtyard Garden is my absolute favourite garden space in this garden.

  6. Love that powder puff flower. Everything looks so beautiful. Now that's the kind of winter I wish I had.

  7. So many unfamiliar plants but one that I am familiar with and love is the calliandra... a friend just located a dwarf variety at a nursery near here... years ago Columbus, Ohio had hosted Ameriflora... a great many countries were represented and I really loved the Australian exhibit. I purchased a number of Australian plants as houseplants, but they didn't fare very well after returning home... it was very interesting and fun to try, however... Larry

  8. Those Red Powder Puffs are so neat! :D You sure do have a lot of things in your garden to flaunt on Friday :D

  9. Beautiful photos of your garden. The only names I recognize are Zinnias, which I put in this morning and the Acacia tree which I know is a favorite tree of the giraffe. All of the rest are like fantasy plants to me.


  10. Love the little red powder puffs. and your hibiscus and containter are beautiful. I tried to comment a second ago and had a little computer glitch so I'm not sure if this will show up twice.

  11. Bernie I especially love the red powder puff plants - they're so unusual. Its 57 degrees F in the shade here and ever so pleasant to work in. Have a lovely weekend.

  12. WOW! Everything looks great!

  13. Goodness, even with winter looming, your garden is still a beautiful blaze of color! I have to admit to be being a little envious!

  14. Your flowers are just fabulous! Love the two mosaics you made toward the top of your post. Your winter sounds pleasant - in my area, we get temps below zero and lots of snow. Happy Gardening!

  15. Hi Bernie. Your winter garden looks like a summer garden to me. Such lovely blooms in your garden. I love the purple Anthurium and have never saw one that color before. It is just beautiful.

  16. Bernie,
    Your Zinnia's look really good. The one's I try to grow in South Florida are always under attack from bugs or assorted Zinnia afflictions.Regardless they are one of my favorites.


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