
Monday, June 14, 2010

Mosaic Monday ... Our Winter Has Arrived!

This is the best time for gardening in my corner of the world.  Usually Autumn is the start of the terrific gardening time ... but not this year.  The showers of rain we received almost daily ... severely restricted the amount of time I could spend out in my garden.  The number of overcast days also had an effect on the growth rate of most plants.

But now, I'm out there every spare moment I can get ... outside working hours of course!  It's not like I'm rushing home from work ... no that's definitely NOT my car you can hear screeching out of the staff carpark maybe a little earlier than I should. Ok, so it is, but you would too if you had glorious Winter's weather exactly like you see highlighted in the photo below.  This is Winter in my part of the world!

With Autumn being a bit of a write-off this year ... I've only just now finished potting my many, many containers for my Courtyard Garden.  It's taken the better part of three weeks to complete ... using whatever spare time I could.  This has been an absolute joy for me, as I love the colourful display that lasts out there well into our horrible Summer!

I only started the potted plant project last year.  My pots are not fancy, not all that chic or sophisticated ... just a mixture of cheap clay pots and plastic pots from those discount warehouses, but they do.  So this year I have pots of petunias, pansies, violas, zinnias, gomphrena, bracteantha, nasturtiums, erigeron, gazanias, verbenas, dahlias, torenias, pelargoniums, cockscomb and snapdragons sitting out in the courtyard waiting to bloom.  I've had to track the patches of direct sun during the day and position the pots carefully to take advantage of the lower angle of the sun's rays.   So here's the Courtyard Potted Garden ready to go for our wonderful Winter/Spring/early Summer.


  1. Hi Bernie
    The first collage is very atmospheric I can imagine the birdsong that goes with it! The blue sky in the second is lovely. The courtyard garden is looking spectacular. I’m looking forward to seeing it in full bloom.

  2. Your blog is so interesting. I had always expected you to being growing your plants throughout your summer and never thought about it being too hot! Lovely pics, my goodness you have been busy :-)

  3. Hi Sue ... the rainy weather was lovely but at a strange time of the year. Now it's over and the 'dry' has really begun, I can't wait for the blooms. You and me both!!

  4. G'day Chris ... yes the summers here are dreadful. It's not just the heat ... it's the long, long hours of very strong, bright and intense sunshine, it's the energy-sapping humidity, and it's either the total lack of rain in a drought year or the driving torrential rains of the 'wet' season. Summer is hard going.

  5. OH, so very lovely!!! Beautiful potted plants!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  6. Your courtyard looks great! Larry

  7. Bernie, I am beginning to get it! In the winter, you are growing most of the same plants I grow in the summer. Your summers sound brutal, are you off school during your summer?


  8. Winter in Australia looks very nice. Love your first mosaic with the trees as the background. Have a great week.

  9. Thanks so much Cathy, Larry and Eileen.

    Eileen ... yes here in the tropical north we can only really grow these annuals during the winter to early summer. Of course in other more temperate parts of Oz, they would be growing them during the summer as their winter is just far too cold.

  10. Eileen ... sorry I forgot to answer the other question. Yes we do have a long break over the summer. For my school system it's a 7-week break.

  11. Garden of Threads ... thanks for your visit and comment. Winter in my part of Australia is very, very different to other parts such as Victoria, southern New South Wales and Tasmania. They definitely get the cold temps., the frosts and in some places the snow.

  12. We too look forward to winter in India. I liked your courtyard garden very much. It is not the containers, but the plants themselves which make a container garden beautiful like yours.

  13. Your containers are incredible. The word exuberant comes to mind! You've managed to make the whole courtyard look exotic and lush with very simple elements.

  14. What a lovely courtyard. You have made it very colourful.

  15. I love the moodiness of your first collage of much as I enjoy the sunshine, I love a good grey overcast day too. Your courtyard garden looks lovely...I'd be afraid to grow so many things in pots, for fear I'd inadvertently forget to water something!

  16. Very beautiful photos and mosaics! I hope that you have a wonderful day!

  17. Nice mosaic. Your winter our 100 degree summer weather yesterday and lots of humidity here on Hilton Head Island SC. No wonder I like Spring and Fall:-)

  18. Bernie I think your pots look great. You must spend ages watering them all.

  19. What a lovely collection. Do the plants stay out all season? Have you ever tried putting a Clivia in a pot and waiting for it to bloom? I prefer outdoor plants, but I do bring in some tender things, including the Clivias and Amaryllis bulbs, and two large Rex Begonias, and a Thanksgiving & Christmas cactus. It looks beautiful.

  20. bernie, i am from south east asia, malaysia,selangor, puchong,a chinese, after read some of the articles u blog, most of the plant are available here,the weather here (24C to 34C), we have no four season, only dry and rain season. i love gardening like u are, u have a nice garden, big area and very close to natural,does your potted plant need to change from time to time? the palm in your garden still green as it during winter?


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