
Friday, June 11, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - early Winter in north-east Oz.

Our Winter weather has warmed up a notch now ... daytime temps. have been up around 26 deg C (78 F)!  The days remain clear ... lovely blue skies and puffy white clouds.   For those who follow my other blog, you will know that I've spent quite some time re-potting containers for my Courtyard Garden ....
Courtyard Garden - late autumn 2010   ... and there are some lovely new blooms just appearing.

Pelargoniums ...
Dahlias ...

Everlasting Daisies (Bracteantha bracteata) ...

Violas ...

Salvia splendens ...

Portulaca (from last year's cuttings) and Cockscomb.

For many more great Friday Flower Flaunt posts, make sure you visit Tootsie at Fertiliser Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. How beautiful. Off to visit your other blog.

  2. Hi Bernie

    I would be wilting at 26 degrees lol. Lovely blooms especially that brachteantha.

    Cockscomb is a new plant name for me - I've never heard of it before - it looks a little like celosia. Thats funny - I just went and googled before I submitted the comment and they are both the same plant!

  3. I'll trade my Winter for your Winter any day!! 78 degrees huh... lol:) Such Wonderful blooms for a winter:) Everything looks Great! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. love all of the beautiful colors. and to have so many things blooming at the same time.... you are very lucky.

  5. Lovely flowers ~ You have the same Pink Bracteantha as me!

  6. Bernie, a lot of these flowers I grow also, but it's too hot here now for violas.


  7. Your white Pelargoniums with the red throats are finest kind neat. Looks like someone hand painted little watercolor red flower plants on the upper white petal. Nice !

  8. Hi Bernie. Oh, girl I love your Pelargoniums. The white with the pink spots is just gorgeous. So are your dahlias. Very pretty blooms you are flaunting here today.

  9. Thanks for visiting Darla ... glad you liked the beauties today.

    Rosie ... we actually think 26 deg C during the day is delightful! It can get cooler during our Winter, but right now the weather is gorgeous. You're right about Cockscomb ... that's the common name we use for Celosia.

    Angel ... yes our Winter is not at all something we complain about. We love the Winter here in the tropical north!

    Siteseer ... Winter is part of the best time in our gardens here. I always start my annuals in Autumn and they're usually starting to flower by now ... the Autumn rains held up the planting for a while, but it's all go out in the courtyard garden now.

    Sue ... lovely to see your Bracteantha. I have just popped into GOY and spotted it!

    Eileen ... the violas certainly only last up until around the early Summer here. They definitely do not get through a Summer here either.

    Sanddune ... that white pellie is lovely, isn't it! I'm always on the lookout for the white ones.

    HHG ... I'm glad to say I have found some lovely pellies this year. I lost all but one of my gorgeous ones from last year ... they didn't get through our 'wet' season. I'm going to try very hard to get these ones through our next 'wet' if it's possible.

  10. Good grief, I live in a mild climate...but your WINTER flowers are glorious. Those first Pelargoniums are absolutely shrieking with color! Around here, winter for us is

  11. G'day Curbstone ... this is one of the advantages of living in the tropics (and you'll hear me complain about all the disadvantages during the summer!!!)! Winter's here are beautiful ... THE best time of the year and most especially for our annuals.

  12. Very beautiful! Especially love the Portulaca! It is very pretty cute flower. I too love that white Pelargoniums! White is always my favorite.

  13. Beautiful blooms and beautiful sky shot.

  14. Hey Bernie- perhaps you would know the answer to this since you are in closer proximity to New Zealand than I... would this be a good time of the year to order seed of millenium strain delphiniums out of New Zealand so as to get really fresh seed? Are you familiar with them... supposed to be outstanding. Your annuals look wonderful! Thanks, Larry

  15. Loved hearing from you too Ami, J Bar and JC ... thanks for your lovely comments.

    LC ... I've popped back to your blog to answer your question on the millenium delphiniums. Hope it's helpful.

  16. Hello Bernie, I'm in love with that delicate little viola, it is such a pretty colour!
    Are thos the everlastings you grew from saved seeds?

  17. Bernie... thanks for all the info regarding the New Zealand delphiniums... I appreciate it and will investigate it thoroughly! Larry

  18. Beautiful flowers. I don't know which ones I like the most. Probably the everlasting daisies; they are so delicate and lovely.

  19. Bernie, I really like your geraniums - very colorful. I love annuals for color, and for filling a space in the garden. You have very pretty flowers. I didn't realize you had two blogs. I will be visiting your other one too. Thanks for mentioning it!

  20. wow...winter is lovely!!! I love the geranium photos...they are so pretty...Geraniums are a favorite here for me the colors
    thank you for linking in this week!!! see you again soon I hope!


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