
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monthly Garden Bouquet ... for the month of May.

What can you do with the leggy stems of Dragon Wing Begonias that you've just spent a hour trimming?  Well, this is what I do.  

They make a great arrangement with some Giant Sword Fern and maybe a Yellow Walking Iris.

Now I know it's not fancy ... I don't have the beautiful tulips, primroses or muscari growing in my garden ... but I think it looks great in my kitchen.  This bouquet will last for quite a few days.  It's amazing just how long these stems last before they begin wilting!!!

So ... even though I'm a bit late (sorry Noelle! ... but I only did the trimming today!), I thought I'd include it in the MGB meme.

To view other beautiful floral arrangements, make sure you visit Noelle's meme May's MGB ... Monthly Garden Bouquet!


  1. Now that is a wonderful bouquet! The colors really work well in my opinion! Larry

  2. Thanks Larry ... you very kind! It certainly cheers up the kitchen.

  3. You have made good use of the cuttings. The flower arrangement looks pretty and fresh.

  4. I'm not very good at floral arrangements. It's obvious by this lovely bouquet that you are!

  5. thats lovely and the colours and textures work so well together too. I can't bring flowers into the house due to some being allergic to the pollen so its one meme I just am a spectator of.

  6. Love it Bernie, they are all my favorite colors.


  7. Lovely combination! I have dragonwings in a bed where native sword fern comes up occasionally. They are so pretty together. But, then again, I think everything is pretty with dragonwings.

  8. Beautiful bouquet! Looks like a tropical paradise in a vase.

  9. I love makng flower arrangements, and this is a lovely one. Wouldn't have thought of begonias as a cut flower, but they look very pretty.

  10. Beautiful, looks very exotic.

  11. Along with the flowers, I love those ferns. Very pretty!


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