
Friday, May 21, 2010

Flower Flaunt on Friday - late Autumn in north-east Oz.

Autumn is drawing to a close and the usual Autumn weather has now kicked in!  The daytime temperatures have finally dipped below 30 deg C (86 deg F) ... some days we're getting down to 27 deg C!  The humidity has dropped waaayyy down ... around 50% these days!  The sun is out nearly all day, every day and the number of cloudy days are dropping. 

Let's have a look at what's blooming out in the garden today.

Senetti 'Magenta Biclolour' on the left and 'Baby Blue' on the right.

This is an unknown Orchid that I was given by a dear old lady who had no idea what this was ... the flowers are tiny - smaller than my thumb nail .... and I just love those tiny freckles!

 My gorgeous Cleome spinosa hybrid 'Senorita Rosalita' ... it just keeps on blooming.

Pelargoniums and Federation Daisy (Argyranthemum frutescens 'Sunray').

Scutellaria suffrutescens (Pink Texas Skullcap) and Passiflora.

This is one of my favourite hanging basket plants .... Nematanthus glabra  (Gold Fish Plant).

Finally, I thought I would just pay homage to the rather forgotten and unnoticed little blooms on my Coleus plants.  I rather love these little beauties ....

For many more great posts where bloggers are flaunting their flowers on a Friday, please make sure you visit Tootsie at Ferlitizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers


  1. Beauiful sky Bernie, also garden is has wonderful blooms. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I love that little orchid and the cleome is new to me in that color... remarkable! Larry

  3. YOur flowers are amazing - many f them I have never seen - I alwys look forward to your posts! Thanks for sharing, Paula from Idaho

  4. aloha,

    you have a spring blooms coming out today, i love the unknown orchids and the first flowers

    thanks for sharing it today

  5. Bernie, your photos are beautiful. I cannot believe your temps even though you are in autumn. We are going to obe 90 degrees here on Sunday.


  6. such colorful blooms. beautiful

  7. You always have such interesting flowers! Everything is just Beautiful! I wish our Autumn was like yours, but then I guess for me it wouldn't be Autumn ,I'de still think it was Summer ..... sorry I digress... , Love the Coleus!! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Bernie I am so glad you like the coleus flowers like me. Most people don't let them flower but I think the little flowers deserve to be seen.
    At least I recognise all your plants as we grow those here during the summer months. Senetti has just finished flowering here though I don't have one in the garden this year.
    Thats such a sweet little orchid. I am thinking about starting to grow some that can cope with our UK climate. I only have one and its never multiplied. Have a lovely weekend

  9. Coleus can be truly amazing, stunning colors, texture and nice surprises-lovely!

  10. You have a Garden of Eden there.

  11. I'm running late for FF visiting as I had to go into town and then the opposite direction up toward Mt. St. Helens to get my Grandsons.
    Your flowers are beautiful - you have some I'm not familiar with. I love the Cleome - I had one last year and was hoping it would come back.
    I'm so glad you stopped by, I love the company.


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