
Monday, April 26, 2010

Mosaic Monday - In The Kitchen

The mosaic this week shows my kitchen on a dreary, showery Sunday afternoon as I'm preparing scones for afternoon tea.

It's not a home magazine picture-perfect kitchen ... and there's no fancy china or cutlery, but I do so love this kitchen.  I'm lucky that, even though the rain stopped me spending a lot of time out in my garden, I get a lovely view out on parts of my garden from the kitchen.  I can look out at the jasmine tumbling over the top of the pergola and the giant sword ferns growing in the beds under the pergola.

For other great Mosaic Monday posts, visit Mary at Little Red House.


  1. I love your kitchen and it could easily grace the pages of a Home Decor magazine.
    The scones look tasty, straweberry jam & clotted cream perhaps?

  2. I love your kitchen! It is so well designed and really beautiful. I wish I could make scones but I haven't seemed to master them yet...I will keep trying!

    Best wishes for a great week,

  3. Your kitchen looks wonderful and reminds me that its time to go and spring clean my own :-). Enjoy your tea!

  4. Bernie, your kitchen is very in! The white with the dark trim is lovely. Just to be able to open my windows again.....


  5. It looks like a wonderful area to be in preparing a meal or enjoying one. Love that shot of the counter with your tray, very inviting! ~Jeanne

  6. The crisp white kitchen and the lush green fern foliage peeking in from the windows make just the best combination. What a wonderful space you have created. I bet the scones even taste better after being prepared in this light airy kitchen!

  7. G'day Maggie B ... yes it was strawberry and cream, but we don't get clotted cream here. It is what we call thickened cream and very, very nice.

    Natasha ... I've been making scones for quite a long time and I think it's just practice! I can make them with my eyes shut these days.

    Chris ... did you get that spring clean under-way?

    Eileen ... I'm lucky as I never close these windows. I've never put up curtains either ... too good a view.

  8. Hi Jeanne ... thanks for dropping by. Yes I have to agree ... it is rather a lovely kitchen as I can look out on a garden view through every window.

    Laurrie ... the scones were great. I think it also had something to do with sitting out on the verandah, on the rocking chairs, watching and listening to the soft rain falling.

  9. Oh my...I just love your kitchen, very beautiful! I hope that you have a lovely new week.

  10. This is a "perfect" kitchen, I understand your love for it...
    Beautiful mosaic and a beautiful blog!!!

  11. You have a beautiful kitchen and the view, what I can see of it, is wonderful. I hope the weather clears and you can be outdoors again. Have a wonderful day and take care.

  12. Hi Bernie
    I love your kitchen it's looks so fresh and bright. Looks a wonderful place to work if you can't get outside, and the scones look pretty good too!!

  13. It's a wonderful kitchen...cozy and with such lovely views. The scones look pretty yummy, too.

  14. Oh, I don't know. I think your kitchen looks mighty nice to me! So open and white -- I have a white kitchen too. Your kitchen is lived in, inviting, and welcoming -- good job!

  15. It really is a beautiful kitchen. We have a vaulted wood ceiling too. I love the look, it just makes it a bit tricky here installing kitchen lights. Ours is old and tired, and in need of a redo, but your kitchen is perfect!

  16. Hi Bernie, what a lovely kitchen you have! - oh thanks, I will sit down and share some tea and scones with you, they look lovely! All the windows in your kitchen are great, so even if you are stuck inside with the rain you can still enjoy the garden.

  17. What an incredible kitchen! Just lovely!

  18. I love your kitchen - it's so pretty with lovely view out your window. Thanks for sharing! Greetings from Vancouver Island. Michelle

  19. I love this kitchen too. What's not to love? Plus someone is in there making scones. That so never happens in my kitchen. My kitchen rarely has milk...

  20. Well, I think it's a beautiful kitchen - I love the white and the wood near the ceiling. The whole room is just so fresh looking.........

  21. Such a homely, welcoming kitchen with stunning garden views. I'll be over for some tea and scones one day.

  22. I love your kitchen, the view out your kitchen windows, and the scones ... I'll have one, please :)

  23. Hi Bernie.....

    Oh yes! I do like your kitchen..... love the clear cut white crispness of it all and what a view.... jasmine tumbling over the pergola and the giant sword ferns... fantastic description.... do I glimpse tree ferns too? .... And the scones look delicious. Marion

  24. Very nice blog Bernieh, lovely presentation. Your kitchen is very similar to the one I had in Cairns, same doors and setup. Your view though is spectacular. This makes me homesick a little.
    Will put your blog in follow, thanks, M.

  25. Hello Marguerite ... haven't heard from you in ages. How's it all going out west? From your last set of photos on GOY it looks like you've done quite a bit in your garden.

    Yes the view out the kitchen window is wonderful ... don't need curtains! It's nice to be able to look out on the courtyard whenever I'm slaving away in there ... which is not all that often, lol! Well, thanks for becoming a follower ... it'll be nice to catch up.


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