
Friday, April 30, 2010

The Hot, The Loud and The Proud ... Ixoras.

I'm joining in Noel's meme today by sharing the wonderful Ixoras I grow here in north-eastern Oz.  For other great posts on 'The Hot, The Loud and The Proud' please visit A Plant Fanatic In Hawaii

One of the most common shrubs in a tropical garden has to be Ixora coccinea.  I have a very tall specimen that is just over 3 metres tall now ... it puts on a fabulous display all year round.
The red blooms really do catch your eye.

I also grow the brilliant dwarf 'Twilight Glow' with its fabulous two tone apricot colours.
Looking close-up you can see the colours.

I have another lovely dwarf Ixora in my garden ... it's the rather more understated 'Sunshine Yellow'. 

While it has these lovely pale lemony yellow flowers for most of the year ....

 ... right now it has these marvellous berrries.

Another lovely Ixora that's growing in my garden and flowers all year round is the 'Raywards Pink'.

I also have the dwarf white Ixora ... Ixora chinensis 'Peggy'.

A recent purchase is this Ixora with variegated leaves.  It gets lovely yellow flowers but, as yet, hasn't bloomed.


  1. aloha bernie,

    i've never seen the variegated version before, i'm curious to see what color this will be...i'm guessing creamy white...i do love these shrubs and consider them beautiful foundation plants in the tropical garden...i would like to go a nice topiaried version of these in a long row like how they do these at some of our showy resorts on the island.

    thank you for joining us today :)

  2. Bernie, the plants you have in Australia are to die for! I am sure we have all learned so much by blogging. I was just telling someone today that I knew someone who had Wallabyes playing in their yard!


  3. All year flowering is a concept I have a hard time understanding. Here in my part of the globe it would be an annual. They have some very lovely colors.

  4. Hi Noel ... yes I'm also waiting rather impatiently for the variegated one to bloom. It's a slow grower ... so I'm not going to hold my breath!

    I've only ever seen the red Ixora ... Ixora coccinea ... topiarised and it does make a fantastic spectacle!

  5. Thanks for visiting again Eileen ... I have to agree with you. I know I've certainly learned so much from visiting bloggers from various parts of the world ... I'm always fascinated by fantastic autumn colours and the amazing spring blossoms from gardens in the northern half.

  6. Garden Of Threads ... all year round flowering is a common thing here. We don't get a lot of variation in the way our gardens look throughout the year up here in the north of Oz. That's why I work so hard to get lots of variation out in my courtyard garden.

  7. Wow Bernie,
    3 metres tall! I love the variety you have in the ixoras, and that variegted one is lovely. I just have the red one and the orange one, although come to think of it, last time I saw the orange one it was being swamped by a voracious coleus - gosh I must remember to check on it! Isnt the weather lovely now?

  8. I have the red ixora in my garden, but not the tall type, it is more bush like. Love all your ixoras collection. That variegated one is so exotic, I have never it before. The 'Twilight Glow' is my favorite! Good choice for this theme. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Africanaussie ... yes I think 3 metres is about as tall as it's going to get. It's in the perfect spot as part of the screening bed at the back of my courtyard garden. Lol ... coleus does take off doesn't it?

    Yes I have to agree, the weather has now turned into our familiar fantastic autumn weather ... lovely sunny days, a little cooler and much more comfortable for gardening!

  10. G'day Ami ... the 'Twilight Glow' is my favourite as well. I only have two of them at present ... one is potted and the other is growing really, really slowly in a rather horrible section of the hilly garden bed. I think I need to get a couple more for some spots in the other outdoor garden beds.

  11. Hi Bernie.....

    Stunning! What a beauty your ixora is. I’m amazed at the collection of colours you have in your garden.

    Just as you are dipping into Autumn we are springing into Spring and I’m loving it.... winter has been a harsh one for us.

    Have a great weekend and may the sunshine follow wherever your footsteps take you. Marion

  12. Very nice Ixora, do not live in my area, but we have as indoor plant.
    What a beautiful blog!, Bernie
    Have a nice weekend.

  13. Thanks so much for visiting, Marion and for your lovely comment. I'm glad to hear your winter is well and truly over now ... I'm looking forward to ours as it's such a lovely time of year (for us and the garden!)

  14. I'm another one admiring your lovely 'Twilight Glow' Bernie and I think 'Peggy' is very pretty too!

  15. G'day Bernie - oh if only you saw how we are used to growing ixoras over here - as tiny little houseplants. I never realised that they grew so big! Its great to see plants in their natural habitiat. They have beautiful flowers and I have grown nearly every coloured one you have here but I've never seen a variagated one before.

  16. You have quite a collection of ixora in your garden! So many colors! I do admire these shrubs in other gardens, though I don't grow them myself.

  17. Goodness, the Ixoras come in quite an array of colors. I'm rather partial to the 'Twilight Glow' though, such a warm and inviting color.

  18. Beautiful shots od Ixora's. The Red/orange and Pink varieties are quite commonly found here in India. Enjoyed the other colours you have showcased in the meme. Thx for sharing.

  19. Wonderful Ixoras in your garden. I have never been successful with them I really do not know why they do not like me. I might have to try again after seeing your healthy bushes.

  20. Love all your exotic plants, Bernie :-)


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