
Monday, January 26, 2015

It's Australia Day!

Today, January 26th, is known as our official national day ... Australia Day.  It's an official public holiday, so we enjoy a long three-day weekend and celebrate what makes this country of ours so fantastic. 

Just for the occasion, I thought I'd share some of the wonderful natives that either grow or live around my place.  I'm so very privileged to live here.

In all corners of Oz, people will be throwing lamb chops and snags on the barbie, downing a stubby or vino, cracking jokes and spinning yarns while we wait for the lamingtons and pavlova to come out for dessert.   

If there was ever a song that I think gives a fair, clear and concise picture of just how our nation has grown and developed over time, it would have to be the song written by a fellow named Bruce Woodley.  It tells our story so beautifully. 

Just click on the play button below to listen to this wonderful tribute to this great country of ours.

I've also added a link to a video clip of a famous Australian poet, Dorothea Mackellar, narrating her iconic Australian poem.  She wrote this poem when she was only 19, which just seems like such a marvellous accomplishment to me.

Dorothea was a third generation Australian, whose grandparents migrated here from Scotland in the 1830s.  Dorothea was born in 1885.  She travelled extensively with her parents whilst growing up, and wrote what is arguably Australian's most  well-known poem while she was living in England.  She was obviously very homesick for her sunburnt country.


  1. I loved both the song and the poem. How blessed you are living where you do, in the beautiful land down under.

    Thank you for sharing these with us and the beauty from your gardens.


    1. It's a fabulous country to live in and I just love sharing as much as I can about this place. I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the little snippets I added today, Lorraine. I am indeed very blessed to live here.

  2. Your fabulous post made me feel privileged too. :)

    And I'll never forget the first time I heard Bruce sing his song - I was rooted to the spot.

    Happy Australia Day Bernie.

    1. I think we should shout it from the rooftops, Rose, just how wonderful this country is. Sure it has its problems and woes, like any place, but there's just so much to celebrate. Bruce's song is extra special. It speaks to all who have lived here and made this country great. I really think the song hits the nail on the head like no other.

  3. A beautiful post the videos brought tears to my eyes.

  4. I know I am a bit late but I wanted to wish you a Happy Australia indeed are lucky to live in that beautiful spot on this earth.

  5. A great Australia Day post, Bernie. I've always loved Dorothea Mackellar's poem.


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