
Monday, June 9, 2014

A Drizzly Drowsy Long Weekend ... Our Tropical Winter Has Begun.

Our three-day long weekend has seen a delightful couple of days with all-day, all-night drizzle and dreary skies.  It's been a pleasant break in our dry season, although for those who took off to camp or fish over this long weekend, it hasn't been very pleasant at all.  My poor husband left very, very early this morning to go fishing and had to return a few hours later because of the dangerously choppy conditions out on the water.

It's been quite blustery, with some wicked winds whipping through the foothills here this morning.  The daytime and night-time temps have dropped, so we've experienced our first little bit of cool tropical winter weather.  Yes, a maximum of only 20 deg C, and an overnight minimum of 18 deg C, is quite cool for us!  I had to pull out my winter dressing gown and throw a blanket on the bed! 

Rain during our long dry season is not unheard of, of course, but it's always such a pleasant surprise when we do get a few mills.  This weekend we've had almost non-stop light drizzle and although it hasn't really penetrated the earth here in my corner of the foothills, it's certainly refreshed the plants and refreshed the gardener.

I've been out pottering around here and there, enjoying the cool raindrops.  You see, here in the tropics we're used to rain feeling very warm.  Our heavy rain falls during our late summer and it tends to be warm on the skin.  Feeling cool rain splattering on your face is such a refreshing change.  It gives us a little idea of what it must be like in the northern hemisphere when the rain falls in the cooler months. 

While out in the garden doing a little weeding, tending and planting, I really noticed how fabulous some of the foliage plants are looking these days.  I always notice them more when the flowers are few and far between.  Anyway, I thought I'd end off by sharing some of the wonderful patterns, forms and colours on the plants that I do rather take for granted.


  1. Great photos. After a very windy weekend I need some inspiration.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the shots, Louise. We've also had quite a windy weekend, although it's come in blustery bursts rather than lasting for hours on end.

  2. Does Tropical Winter qualify as an oxymoron?

    Your plants are beautiful. The gingers and azaleas are particularly wonderful. Colocasias and caladiums, too.

    1. Ha! Yes you're spot on there, Jean. Tropical winter can surely qualify as an oxymoron! Especially to those who live in temperate climates. For us, of course, just a few degrees drop in temps. qualifies as the start of the chilly season.

      I'm starting to add to my Ginger and Caladium collections. They're rather small at the moment and I do so love them.

  3. I am in awe and so jealous of the foliage you have during winter...we just have gray skies and snow.

    1. Grey skies during out winter time is rather unusual, Donna. We're so used to bright clear blue skies at this time of the year. I have to say the couple of drizzly dreary days was really very enjoyable for us.

      Of course, we don't have a clue what it would be like to see snow falling!

  4. Fantastic photos of fantastic plants, Bernie ! You are so lucky to be able to grow plants in the garden that we nurture as house plants, here in the uk !!

    I'm still smiling at your comments about the cool nights and the cold rain ! If we have daytime temperatures of 20 degrees we feel we are doing quite well !!

    1. Yes, those house plants are typical garden plants for us. We do rather take them for granted though.

      Yes, 20 degrees C is getting cool for us. It makes for a very pleasant day here. So, so different to the 30 deg C and above days that we have for months on end.

  5. I could have been walking around my own garden - we have so many similar plants growing in our gardens. I enjoy the coooler weather too.

    1. I think we would both fit the 'plant nut' label very well, AA. I'm absolutely enjoying the cooler weather of late. I do so love our tropical winter.

  6. You live in a lovely place! Your outside plants are the ones we enjoy as houseplants here. : )

  7. Your plants are so well-tended. I enjoy looking at them and realise that there are so many similar ones in my garden too!

  8. GDay Bernie! Foliage plants are so nice to have. Those of us who have mucho shade tend to appreciate them more since that is what does well for us. The daylilies are starting to bloom now along with my coneflowers. Just wish they would stay in bloom longer. Lots of rain here and this morning its 59F. You would freeze your little Aussie feathers off!! LOL!!! Bring out the jumpers!

  9. Lovely photos Bernie, and I must admit I wear a jumper too when it’s only 20 degrees outside, I am a frosty person and like best when it is closer to 30 degrees – I should probably not live in Britain, we don’t have many days close to 30 degrees in a normal year :-)
    Loved all the different foliage, a lot of them are familiar to me as houseplants.

  10. Enjoy your winter! Our dreaded summer has arrived:(

  11. Enjoy the cooler weather. I'm feeling cold for the first time in ages. Love those foliage plants.


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