
Monday, February 17, 2014

Mosaic Monday ... Splashes of White.

I've been trying over the last two to three years to add more white-blooming plants to various corners of the garden.  It's now possible to spot splashes of white almost wherever I wander. 

Now I know those who garden in the northern hemisphere are probably not all that keen on seeing lots of white right now and I do apologise but I couldn't resist sharing some of these lovely white blooms.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday  meme.


  1. Hello Bernie, I had to laugh at your comment about us "northerns" not wanting to see more white..That's not true, I love your beautiful white blooms. Lovely flowers and mosaic. Have a happy week!

  2. I have about 70% of the white flowers in the mosaic. Your white blooms are lovely. Many of my white flowers are fragrant too particularly the jasmines and Vallaris glabra (Bread Flower, Kerak Nasi, Bunga Kesidang).

  3. LOLOL!! White flowers would be welcome in my garden right now. White flowers always seem to have the best smell and they sure do light up a shady garden.

  4. Love your whites! They remind me of nice scents and make me want to get more whites for my garden.

  5. They make such a beautiful collage. Have a great weekend.

  6. It is now that I realise you have two blogs. I didn't know. This is a beautiful montage of all the white flowers!

  7. I don’t mind seeing white flowers, I love white flowers – and I haven’t seen any snow at all this winter so I certainly don’t mind white :-) The flowers are all beautiful, although I am not quite sure what they are all of them – as usual.

    I made a white flower bed last year in my own garden and will continue to add to it this year, my white oriental poppies will flower for the first time in a few months, can’t wait to see them.


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