
Monday, January 13, 2014

Mosaic Monday ... Waiting On The Wet Season

Here we are in mid-Summer and we're waiting patiently for the arrival of the wet season.  There have been a few light showers, but drizzle is not downpour and the garden needs the downpour after months and months of dry.  So we wait and look to the skies.

I'm joining Mary for her Mosaic Monday  meme.


  1. I love love love RAIN CLOUDS....:)
    Here from Mosaic Mon

    1. One of my favourite sights, bj. Our long dry season means we wait for the arrival of the wet with great anticipation.

  2. Replies
    1. Sometimes they look promising, but too often the promise of heavy wet season rain is not fulfilled. So we're still waiting.

  3. Nice sky photos. Hope you get rain soon. Have a lovely week. Jen

    1. Thanks Jen. The predictions are not particularly promising but we will wait and see.

  4. Lovely skies and mountain scenery, Bernie! I hope you have some rain soon. Have a happy week!

  5. storm clouds coming - is it respite from the heat - or just more humid when the rain comes? IT has been baking hot over here lately, though we enjoyed a mild Christmas. Have a wonderful week. I am joining you through Mosaic Monday.

  6. Yes we are waiting too. I saw on TV that it has arrived in Cairns. It shouldn't be long now.

  7. Looking bright..
    The blue skies and lovely clouds..
    I'm pretty sure its preparing to rain.
    Thanks for dropping by garden blog & comment.

  8. I would gladly send you some snow Bernie. We have lots to spare. Valerie


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