
Friday, September 20, 2013

Flower Flaunt ... On This Hot, Hot Early Spring Friday.

Wow, it's been rather warm around here over the last two days!  Our summery conditions have begun early this year ... in our first Spring month.  The mercury has hit around 31 deg C (87 F) pretty darned early in the morning and has hovered around there nearly all day long.   Of course, when you're outside in the sunshine, it feels more like the mid-30s.  I haven't had much fun out on playground duty this week!!!

Today is actually the start of my mid-semester break, and I will be relaxing and unwinding over the next two weeks.  I think I'll be doing a little of what this baby possum was doing as I arrived home from work earlier in the week.  This little one was grabbing a few hours of sleep while the sun shone.  Being nocturnal, that's just what they do.  In my case though, I think just the act of slowing down for a while, will cause me to nod off during the quieter times in the day!

I probably won't be spending much time reading blogs or checking my posts, and I apologise for that, but after a very hectic term, I'm ready for some downtime.  i thought I'd just add this post before I start the school holidays though, so I could share the few blooms on show in the garden right now.

It's just fantastic how I've managed to find a flower named after the lovely lady who hosts the Fertilizer Friday/Flaunt Your Flowers blog meme every Friday. 

This is Hemerocallis 'Tootsie'.  It's a new Daylily, bought this year, and it's the first to start blooming.

Elsewhere ...

... splashes of yellow, cream and white.


Patches of pink and purple.

Splotches of red ...

... and shades of creamy-white which turns to golden yellow and orange yellow.

I'm joining Tootsie for her terrific  Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.


  1. Your sleeping beauty is very cute and your garden is amazing. Take care and enjoy your break!

  2. Lovely blooms once again and I hope you have a lovely, peaceful, rejuvenating spring break and go back to school refreshed.

    That bloom for 'Tootsie' is so right for her, joyous, positive, raring to go, in spite of what life may throw at her. She is such an inspiration in all that she does. I love this flower and I love Tootsie.

    Enjoy your break ~ Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your flowers are beautiful! Love the whites! Enjoy your spring break; take care of yourself, relax, rejuvenate, enjoy!

  4. Wow I can feel the heat just knowing the blooms you have...nice to see will be about 10 months before I see them again

  5. I am loving seeing this burst of spring! Today is the first day of Autumn for us in the Northern hemisphere. I am hoping for some moisture so the trees will hold their leaves long enough to give some good colour before they drop.

    Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend.

  6. Bernie sounds like you are ready for a little "down time". Sleep and rest all you can. The garden looks lovely as always!


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