
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Missed It ... The Year In Photographs ... March 14, 2013

Well I missed it!  That's one of the downside to having to go off to work!  I miss some of the exciting stuff that happens at home.

It's not a great shot I'm afraid, as the camera batteries died as soon as I took this photo, but this is what greeted me very early this morning.

I woke just as the sun was rising and found that the chrysalis I've been watching eagerly for days and days had turned black.  I had a feeling that perhaps the butterfly would emerge sooner rather than later.

I waited as long as I could before I headed off to work, and I spent all day hoping that nothing happened while I was away.  That was wishful thinking.

I arrived home this afternoon to find an empty chrysalis.  So that means somewhere in my garden there's a brand new butterfly flitting around enjoying its new life.


  1. That's a pitty that you've missed it, but it's a great experience though, to see at least a part of such transformation :)

    1. You're so right, Dewberry. It's been such a long time since I last actually saw a chrysalis, so I'm over the moon about at least spotting one in my garden.

  2. Replies
    1. Absolutely right, Donna. It was a wonderful surprise.

  3. I have waited too for the metamorphosis of butterfly and missed it. Always a disappointment. I want to see it puff it's wings up and see it's body shrink in the process. One day I will.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yes one day, Lorraine! I'm now eagerly looking out for another one.

  4. I have also witnessed a chrysalis grow and harden and change colour, just to miss the actual important moment. I was asleep when it happened! But it’s great you got to follow the process, better luck next time! You can buy chrysalis you know, online, and hang them up in a sheltered location and set your camera up. That’s what butterfly photographers do – the rest of us I suppose just have to rely on luck!

  5. Oh I remember when we had ours hatch and I saw them emerge but then had to leave for work.... I leave at 6.30am -so they are early! Hopefully you have some more soon, and they hatch over the weekend!


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