
Friday, March 22, 2013

Flower Flaunt Friday ... nearing the end of our first month of Autumn.

Our first Autumn month is nearly over, and not much has changed in my garden.

There was the chance of some decent rain coming our way with Cyclone Tim heading towards our coastline.  Unfortunately  the chance went begging, as 'Tiny Tim' (as we've dubbed the weather system) deteriorated into an ex-cylcone with very little oomph!   It crossed the coast further north and has only bought us a few showers of rain, with absolutely no heavy rain whatsoever.   So 'Tiny Tim' has tiptoed through here with little effect.  Still, I've enjoyed the sprinkling of rain we've had over the last two days.

I've noticed the Acacia simsii out in the bushland has started blooming.  

It has the most spectacular little golden puffs for flowers.

Out in the shadehouse garden I discovered this weed has sprung up while I was clearing out last weekend.  It's unfortunate that this Passiflora, Passiflora foetida or Stinking Passionfruit,  is such an environmental thug, because it does have a beautiful flower.

My Dendrobium bigibbum  (such an unfortunate name!!!) has begun blooming again right on schedule.

My purple Anthurium is always blooming and is one of my favourite sights in the shadehouse garden.

My Aeschynanthus lobbianus or Lipstick Plant continues to show off its remarkable blooms in the shadehouse as well.

Down beside the driveway I have two of these fabulous Turnera subulata shrubs putting on a show during the day.  The lovely creamy white flowers close up when the sun sets and only open once the sun has risen a fair way the next morning.

My Mussaenda 'Calcutta Sunset' looks fabulous against the backdrop of the Duranta repens berries.

Thunbergia erecta 'Tru Blu' has lots of gorgeous bluey-purple flowers at the moment.

My favourite Mussaenda, Mussaenda philippica 'Aurore' is covered in its white bracts and tiny orangey-yellow star-shaped flowers.

My wonderful Jasminum officinale is still blooming and filling the courtyard with its sweet fragrance.

Out in the courtyard garden, the Salvia splendens hybrids have started blooming again after their drastic cut back.


I'm joining Tootsie for her Fertilizer Friday / Flaunt Your Flowers meme.

I'm also joining Nix for Floral Friday Fotos 


  1. Wonderful flowers as usual. We don't have flowers outdoor yet, but I've enjoyed going to the Botanic Garden or the Winter Garden to see flowers.

    1. I can imagine the trip to the Botanic Garden would have been fabulous, Gunilla. Here we're so very lucky to have blooms all year round.

  2. Dear Bernie ~ I am never disappointed when I visit you. Your blooms and foliage always inspire me. What is the roof of your shade house garden made of?

    Hope you will get some rain. Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. It doesn't look like we're going to get much more than the few showers we've had in the last day or two, Lorraine. I suppose that's better than nothing at all though.

      The shadehouse is made of timber poles and beams. Shadecloth has been nailed to the beams across the top to act like a roof. It lets in the rain and the sunshine, but filters out the harsh UV rays of the sun.

  3. gorgeous flowers! love the color of Calcutta Sunset.
    i don't think i have seen a purple anthurium before. pretty.

    1. Thanks Luna. The Calcutta Sunset always draws a comment as the colour is so different from the usual Mussaendas. It's a fabulous plant. I only have the one Anthurium and the original reason I bought it many, many years ago was the colour. I had never seen a purple one before then either.

  4. You have a delightful collection (many unusual) of flowers here. A very colourful autumn.

    1. Thank you Karen. There aren't the usual amount of blooms around at the moment, but there's always something to be found here all year round.

  5. I envy all your tropical plants. They bloom so beautifuly

    1. That's one of the best things about living in the tropics, Deb. We do have some wonderufl plants.

  6. A delightful series of shots. That is one pretty weed!

    1. Yes Karen, the Passiflora does make for a very good looking weed, you're right. It's unfortunate how quickly the thing takes over and spreads though.

  7. You always have so many beautiful flowers blooming. Our acacia is a spring bloomer so is also blooming now. The passiflora foetida is native to the area where I live so it's interesting to see that it is a weed and thug so far from home. The weather here keeps them in check nicely.

    1. Shirley, our Acacias here tend to bloom from mid-Autumn right through the Winter. This year the Sim's Wattle seems to be a little early, but that happens because of the rainfall cycles. Interesting to hear from someone who lives where the Passiflora foetida is a native. Here is really is a terrible thug and we have to work hard at getting rid of it. They spread very, very quickly and cover huge areas of the bushland.

  8. Wish I could send you some snow :) These blooms are just beautiful.

  9. Very beautiful pictures...
    We are still waiting in Toronto for spring to arrive.

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. I was hoping you would get some good rains from the cyclone. Your fall garden and native plants are so beautiful. How wonderful to have blooms all year long. Have a lively weekend.

  11. Your flowers of autumn are lovely, as always! Do you have a bad season? I really like your lipstick plant, as well as the Dendrobium bigibbum. About that name. I may be pronouncing it wrong, but it makes me smile!

  12. Here from Fertilizer Friday. What beautiful flowers you have! Loved looking at all the photos.

  13. No matter the season, it is always beautiful in your gardens!!!!
    Thanks for linking in this week...I hope to see you again soon!
    I am sharing this post on Tootsie Time facebook page!
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