
Friday, February 8, 2013

Newbies ... The Year In Photographs ... February 8, 2013

I went to the nursery today, just to purchase some seed starting mix. That's all that was on my list, I promise, but as I walked in through the gates, I heard the siren song of some Gingers on display just inside.  I just couldn't resist taking a couple home.

Let me introduce my two new Gingers ...

Curcuma alismatifolia on the left, and Globba capicola on the right.  Aren't they lovely?


  1. Ah the lure of the garden centre it gets you every time :) What a pair of stunners that pink is a real shocker, lovely.

    1. Sue I've been trying ever so hard to avoid going to the nursery in the last few months. I know what I'm like when I'm there, and I've been proven correct yet again. I just can't resist bringing some plant or maybe a few plants home!

  2. More beauty to add to your gardens. :-) Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

  3. G'Day Bernie....The previous post has some beautiful flowers. The orchid is quite nice and reminds me of a vanilla orchid but since I have not been exposed to many orchids other than what we get in the flower shop I have not a clue what it is. The ginger is beautiful and of course, the hot color is my favorite. I hope you have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Jean. I'm so looking forward to see these two new plants mature and put on a fabulous display.

  4. Oh so pretty Bernie! Don't you just love getting new plants.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Lona, I'm really terrible when it comes to bringing home new plants. There are just two many lovely new things available these days.

  5. They're lovely. It's very cold, grey and bleak here with more snow promised at the weekend :(

    1. Oh dear Molly, I hope it's not too bad for you. Over here we're still waiting on some decent wet season rain. It seems to be a non-event so far this year. It's going to be stinking hot as usual.

  6. Bernie,
    Lucky you to have space to add a few more plants - I really have to cull mine. I think I had that pink one at one stage, but it has been swallowed up!

    1. Lol, AA, I really have no idea where I'm going to put these two newbies. They'll be in pots and I'm going to have to find a spot somewhere out in the shadehouse. Goodness only knows where!!!


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