
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Colourful ... The Year In Photographs ... February 5, 2013

There was just a touch of colour in the sky in the early evening as the sun rolled down slowly.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lorraine. I got home just at the right time, today!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes Dewberry, it's always a joy to see lovely colour in the sky.

  3. Red sky at night Shepard’s delight. It’s going to be another scorcher tomorrow for you. I’m off to the greenhouse to plant some seeds and finish potting up my babies! Echinacea, Delphinium, Poppy and start my Dahlias off I am going to take some cuttings if I can before they get really going. I am going to put a post on my new blog later today.
    Have a good day.

    1. Yes, Sue, I know you're right. We've been having some scorchers lately. Last week was just horrid. This week the humidity levels have dropped just a little, and it has made a bit of a difference, although the air-cons still get a decent workout.

      Sounds like Spring is just around the corner now. Enjoy your time potting up and taking cuttings. I know you will.

      It's great to see you've got a new blog up and running. I'll be by shortly.

  4. Beautiful! I can't wait for some warmer weather here....I started pruning my roses today, wearing 4 layers + a thick overcoat and gloves. Still cold to the bone when I came inside. But it needs doing, they are all sprouting like mad so it's better to get it done now :-)


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