
Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Treat For The Senses ... The Year In Photographs ... February 2, 2013

The heady perfume from the flowers on my most mature and largest Murraya paniculata or Mock Orange is wafting through the courtyard and into my kitchen in the early morning and evenings. 

It's a beautiful fragrance.  This morning I wandered into the kitchen to make the first cuppa of this weekend, and despite knowing how horrid the temps would be today, I felt suddenly lighter and a little cheerier. 


  1. How lovely to have the scent wafting into your home. We have a couple of these but they are on our boundary line.

  2. They have the best aroma. I always slow down when walking past one in the street and start taking long sniffs. You are lucky to have one near the kitchen window.

  3. These do have a wonderful scent. I have two of them and really need to treat them better so that they will give me more of their sweet little flowers.

    Love your header ~ FlowerLady

  4. Mock Orange is an old time shrub around the south. The blooms don't look quite like yours tho but yes the smell is heavenly. Enjoy your cuppa!

  5. Hello Bernie, Love your Laughing Kookaburra article on Nature Place today! Well done. P. x

  6. They are beautiful blooms, I wish I could smell their scent. Lovely images!

  7. I have a few of this plant too, and they perfumed the garden. It look even more gorgeous when the red berries made a show.

  8. Lovely captures Bernie - I can almost smell the fragrance! Rich colour contrasts too.


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