
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's Raining ... The Year In Photographs ... January 23, 2013

What a difference a day makes!  The heavens opened last night and the rain has pelted down all day.  We are under a Severe Weather Warning for heavy rain.

You know that saying ... It doesn't rain, but it pours ... well today it hammered.  Since 9.00 am this morning, in 8 hours, we've had around 73 mm or 3 inches of rain, and it's still pouring down.

The rain is coming in squalls and at times it's almost horizontal.  A waterfall and little rivers have popped up in our front yard.

I drove home from work about an hour ago, and it was a tense ride.  Visibility was down to around 5 metres, and I drove through massive puddles of water.  I'm wondering if I'll be able to make it into town tomorrow.


  1. On the up side the grass will be green! Take care tomorrow going to work. I’m about to venture out into the snow. Off to keep fit...I think standing upright may be more exhausting!

    1. Yes Sue, a little bit of rain here turns everything instantly green. The transformation always amazes me. Take care going out into that snow! You'll get a work out just walking around outside.

  2. Feel free to send it down to Brisbane..... I've forgotten what Green Grass looks like

    Be careful

    1. I think there's some on the way, Michael. There's certainly enough to go round.

  3. Wow, how true about "it doesn't rain but pours". Your first two photographs show that it's raining in sheets. The bright side is that your garden will be much rejuvenated. Here whenever it pours this way it is usually accompanied by thunder and lightning which can be rather frightening when outdoors.

    1. Stiletto, it's fantastic watching the plants literally come alive. When decent rain arrives, they suddenly look healthier, happier and somehow more vibrant.

      We didn't get very much thunder or lightning at all. There was a short, sharp display for about half an hour this evening, and that was it.

  4. Hurray for you ~ rain glorious rain. I hope you have a safe trip to and from work. I hate driving in the rain, it makes me tense.

    I love your header photo.


    1. It has been glorious, Lorraine. If the downpour continues overnight, the trip into work tomorrow will be very interesting indeed.

  5. It makes for some spectacular photos! Glad you have some much needed rain, hope it doesn't make too much damamge. We have flood warnings for next week again here in Britan, our short winter seems to come to an end. Here we go again...

  6. Bernie...I think a warning has come to pass. It's either feast or famine sometimes isn't it? Hope you make it to work safely!

  7. we were boxed in yesterday with road closures, but now today it is all calm again. Oh well I enjoyed the free day off work!

  8. Hi Bernie, thought to come by and wish you a very happy New Year, so the first month of it is already making place for the next. Beautiful rain, I am waiting for a curtain like this. It is very dry here, we had for many month no significant rainfall. The garden keeps its own I don't know how, some places are very dry and the plants suffer, a few millimetres of rain here and there keeps them alive so far. Happy gardening 2013, hopefully enough rain to keep the plants happy, no cyclons or other weather disasters. Best Wishes.T.

  9. Your rain sounds like our sure does follow that when it rains it pours and pours...


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